Ch. 9 - Home?

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You slowly woke up to someone calling my name worried "Y/N... Y/N?! Y/N are you awake yet?" It sounded familiar, you opened my eyes slowly to see the wall of my room in the real world, you were a bit hesitant to turn over but you did anyways but slowly, who you heard and now see is Wilbur "Y/N!... Oh my god you woke!" He looked so happy, but you couldn't feel many emotions about what was going on

You opened your eyes a bit more and sat up slowly "Y/N... what's with your arms? I came over because you stopped texting me for months, and when I came over, you were on the ground so I decided to set you in bed, are you ok?" Wilbur said, you looked at him, listening very carefuly with only one question ringing through your head over and over

Was the SMP all a ~*Dream*~?

You started tearing up, Wilbur notced "Hey, it's ok! Tell me what happened when your ready but, all I want to know is if you're ok, ok?" You nodded, and sniffled "I... I don't know if it was a dream or real... but I remember it all so perfectly," you said, he looked a bit confused "It's ok, tell me what happened when you're ready, but have you noticed your arms?" He asked, you were confused

You picked your right arm up and saw on your upper arm an X like shape wrapped around it almost like a tattoo, you looked at your left and it was the same "What happened to me..." you mumbled "What?... Anyways, if you want to clean off your face of the dirt and blood, and the- other X's please do, I don't want you hurt" Wilbur sounded worried, ans you began to get a really bad feeling about what you looked like

You nodded and sat at the end of your bed "I'll be downstairs if you need me" Wilbur said and walking out and downstairs, you stood and walked to the bathroom and looking down you turned om the light, you looked up and yours widened, you were bleeding from your head and eyes, you had dirt smudged all on your face, and three X's, two over your eyes and the other on your forhead directly in the middle, your mouth had a painted on black smile from the dip in your mouth close to your eyes

You backed up terrified, last you could remember was you were in the SMP with DreamXD, and you fell asleep side by side... you didn't know what the hell or who the hell would've done this, but your stepped back up to the sink and mirror and carefuly washed your face, the X's nor the smile went anywhere, but it seemed the blood was dry and had washed off easily, the dirt washed off simple as well, you looked at the smile then noticed it continued down your jaw line and across your entire face, "X...D...." you said carefuly

You shook your head and scrapped the thought grabbing some make-up and putting over the X's and the smile, you put eye shadow on the cover the ones on your eyes, you then looked at yourself and decided it was enough, you opened the bathroom door and walked downstairs only to see that Wilbur wasn't there, you looked around and saw a figure in the furthest corner from the stairs, it was tall, you couldn't see it but you could point out two red dots supposedly to be eyes and a very sharp wide and white smile, you heard Wilbur coming from the kitchen and the tall person dissapeared

He smiled up at you and you went into the dining room with the table, you sat, he brought you some cereal and he set it infront of you "If you don't mind telling me, what happenes when you were gone?" He wasked you, you thought about telling him about you and XD "Uhm... I remember my computer screen flashing green and saying something like Come with me and I couldn't do anything so I tried my touch screen and that's when a pure white hand with black finger tips reached out and and just pulled me into the screen, next thing I knew I was in minecraft, the DreamSMP to be exact

When you immidently said something about your screen saying something, he looked at you concerned and worried, wide eyed he asked you "Did anyone keep you somewhere..?" He asked, you nodded, that's when you saw the tall dark figure in a corner again, you got an uneasy feeling and lied "Uhm-... R-Ranboo did" you looked at Wilbur, he sighed "As long as it wasn't XD... he would've lied about anything and become to use you..." you started feeling worried and mad, but you took a breath and ate the cereal

"Uhm... where did Ranboo take you?" He asked, not looking away from the bowl "Uhm-... snowches-" "Lies, he rarely goes there" Wilbur interupted "You went and stayed with XD didn't you?" Your eyes widened and you saw the tall figure starring down at you, you stood and looked down at Wilbur trying to act unphased "Indeed I did Soot" you said, he stood, he was a few inches taller then you, the tall figure behind cocked it's head probably in confusion

"Why would you do that Y/N?... He most likley manipulated you and lied about feelings or anything about or to you" he stated, you did have any feelings but you did have the urge to cry and scream, you didn't know why but you did, the eyes on the tall figure turned green, "Well Wilbur, you wouldn't know, have you studied him, or read about him or watched or even listened to him" you started talking

Wilbur looked puzzled "I don't think you took the time to go up, and even say hello, the entire SMP neglected him, leaving him alone, he only brings people so he can have company, he just wants someone to talk to once in a while, and I bet because he didn't, he would never lie to someone" Wilbur's eyes widened and he looked pissed

"Really, who knows what he can do to you?! WHO KNOWS WHAT HE DID" he started yelling and you backed up a bit, he pushed you against the back of the couch, the figure's eyes turned red again, your eyes widened as Wilbur came closer to you, but then you noticed green strings rap around his torso "Y/N...." he said before Wilbur started being pulled extremly fast towards the tall figure, you were terrified at this point, you stood straight doing your best to hide fear

"No need to fake Y/N..." it knew your name "Who a-are you, or what" you said regretting the stutter "How could you forget" it didn't sound mean, it sounded strangly familiar, he stepped out but looked human and like.. "XD?!" You slightly smiled, he smiled "The one and only!" You ran up to him and hugged him "What happened to me, what went on, why am I back who-" "Calm down kiddo, you can ask questions, just give them to me one by one" he said, you laughed a bit and he teleported the both of you to your room, you let go of him and sat on your bed, he sat next to you "Now ask me those questions of your, in detail" he chuckled

You looked up at him "What happened... was it all a dream" you asked, he looked down at the carpet, plaseing his shoulders on his knees and his hand infront of him "I brought you back.. but in the process of bringing you back here, Dream tried getting a handle of you, and you got hurt in the process which is the blood and dirt from earlier" he said, you stayed silent "Uhm, and if you were wondering about the X's and the smile, because uh, you're an almost Goddess so... to represent that, whenever I would get ahold of you, or touch your skin.. it would and will give you something that looks like mine, like the XD part, and the X's that wrap around your arm, are to signify you are mine, and no elses" he said, you felt the worry fade away when you knew it should've grown "And... how would I hide the facial X stuff" you asked "I think if you focus, but you can't just make them go poff and dissapear forever, you have to have a probably smaller X under your eyes, or at least one" he said and looked over at you, you nodded and thought "So... I haven't been here in probably a year according to Wipbur, so.. why not go outside for a while?" You said, he thought then nodded

This is the worst ending I could possibly ever go through, I really want to know if you guys want a book 2... so- I don't know if I have any ideas yet for a title BUT WHAT EVER

I just need ideas for chapter titles, book titles, and endings :')

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