Ch. 7 - The Day

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You woke up by yourself confused why XD hadn't woken you. You sat up and looked towards the walk-in closet, you got out of bed and walked into the closet, you looked at some of the clotheing choices, you noticed at the back a short green cloak and a mask that looked like DreamXD's stuff, but sized for you, you grabbed them put it on, with black pants and a green shirt underneath, you put the mask on and set it aside then stepped over to a mirror "Woah... I actually look good in this" you said to yourself

You then stepped out the closet and closed it's doors, you then went up to the door to your room and cracked it open and looked up at XD, you then stepped out "Goodmorning DreamXD!" You smiled, he looked at you, and you saw him turn a dark shade of pink "I found this in the back of the closet and I tried it on, I look good in don't I?" You asked him still smiling, he stepped onto the floor off his throne "You do... I mean, You- uh-" you laughed a bit "You ok, you're stuttering" you said, and laughed "Sure, you do look good though!" You turned pink as well "Thanks, XD" you said, he nodded "You're welcome, uhm... I'm sorry I didn't get any food ready! I was thinking over random things last night and... watching stuff" he said

You nodded "That's alright! You must have a tough time keeping a strict mindset sometimes, and I can feel you on that, I don't focus on one thing at time, more-or-so a couple at a time" you said, he smiled, "If you want you can wait in your room until I get the food ready!" He said, you smiled up at him and nodded, "Alright!" You walked back to your room and went up to your bed, you hesrd your door shut behind you, you turned around "Hey kid" "SAPN-" before you could finish the name someone grabbed you from behind and covered your mouth "Be quiet and nothing goes wrong" You looked up and saw Dream "MMMmMMm" your screams were muffled

Sapnap faced the door "No ones getting in here" he made an orange circle in the air and faced it "George is going inside to distract XD, go now Dream, I hear footsteps" Sapnap said, Dream started dragging me towards the window where they came in "Don't fuss once we get out, you're gonna fall off and die" Dream said, he stepped out the window and walked to the front, you couldn't fight against him because he'd most likley push you off and you'd hit the ground, he made to the side where the front would be "D-DreamXD c'mon is there a m-misunderstanding?" You heard George say "Where did Dream take them" you then heard XD respond to him

Dream pulled out infront of the 2 roughly and kept you the very edge "XD~ I don't think you want to lose your little bitch do you?" Dream said, all you could see was the ground "LET GO OF DREAM'" You yelled, he let go of your mouth and held onto the cloak you were wearing with one hand "You sure you want me to do that?" He said, XD faced Dream "Let them go, and give them to me" he said, Dream laughed, you looked around the edge and saw some slime they had brought with them and used your foot to pull to closer to you "You think I'll just hand 'em over XD? I know what you'll do to them, you'll kill 'em, so I might as well save them" Dream stated

You saw a green light fade in and fade out, you knew XD had gone into his God form "I'm not hesitant to kill you right now" He said, Dream laughed like a maniac, "You do that, I'll drop them to their demise" he said, you looked and saw George walk up to the both of you, you stomped your foot onto the slime, you then felt yourself starting to fall "GET OUT OF HERE DREAM" you heard George yell, you knew how string slime was and  as you fell you grabbed onto the edge and stuck your feet to the flooring hanging upside down, as soon as you let go you heard XD yell "Y/N!" you saw his hands at the edge

You cough and/or cleared your throat, he looked below the edge "Y/N?..." he looked confused "Slime, it's a powerful and strong substance" you smiled, you saw him reach his hand out and strings appear out his finger tips and grab onto you, he went back onto the top part and he pulled you up there with him with his strings, he stood and retracted the strings, you hugged XD "Thank you!" You said, you hugged him, he hugged you back, "You're welcome kiddo!" XD said, you looked over and saw Sapnap talking to George, he looked like he felt sorry for what he did, you let go of XD and walked over to George, he looked at you "Listen... Sapnap I'm XD's friend like I said I couldn't-" you hugged hin

"It's ok Gogy! You did the right thing.. for once" he laughed a bit and hugged you back, "Tch, you betrayed us, I'm going back to Kinoko Kingdom" Sapnap said and started walking down the steps you let go of George "If it's ok with XD, so Dream doesn't hurt you, you can stay here until you feel safe!" you offered and smiled, you turned to XD, he smiled "Sure! Just don't stay to long, this place is only fit for mainly 2 people since I haven't-" you continued his sentance "haven't had anyone up here in years and only have a couple rooms" you 3 laughed a bit, "C'mon, we should get back inside before Sapnap turns into an eternal blaze" you said and went back inside

XD looked down at George "You won't betray us like you did the other 2?" He asked Gogy, George shook his head "You're my friend, and I take it now Y/N's so don't worry!" George said then went inside, XD stayed out there a bit longer and looked out into the distance, he faintly saw Sapnap looking back up at him from the bottom of staircase, he got an uneasy feeling and stepped back inside

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