Ch. 3 - A new form

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You woke up to someone shaking you, not violently, but just shaking you "Wake up Y/N... it's time for breakfast..." you hesrd, soft yet echoy voice, you opened your eyes and looked up at XD "Hello..." you said in a raspy voice, you sat up slowly and XD backed up a bit "You ok XD?.." you asked him "Hm?.. Oh y-yeah, just not used to someone else being in here" he said, you yawned "It's alright... and did you say something about breakfast?.." you asked still trying to keep yours eyes open

He laughed a bit "Yeah.. I set up a table and the food is ready" he said "No tricks on being 5 minutes almost ready?" You asked looking at him, he shook his head "It's all set and ready" he said, he walked towards the door "I'll be out here waiting when your dressed" he stepped out the room and you got a glimpse at the table "Wow... he wasn't lying..." you said to yourself and got out of bed slowly and got dressed into what XD had in the small walk in closet for you. You grabbed a (F/C) T-Shirt and (S/C) pants, you walked out the closet and went to your door

You took a deep breath as you didn't know what XD may have set out for food, you opened the door and stepped out closing is behind you, you noticed all the food set out "Hello Y/N! Glad to see you got dressed in time!" He said, you nodded and smiled, you sat across from him "What am I that repelant you have to sit across from me?" He said, you both laughed a bit "I just have more space for food when across from someone" you said, he nodded "Smart one!" It seemed like he smiled, you smiled as well, you started esting but you looked up at XD who wasn't, "You ok, you're not eating" you asked him

He looked up at you "Oh.. well I can exactly eat when I'm like this... I need to be like- in a human form I guess, and I don't want to make it awkward and just shift with you right there" he said, you paused "Oh-... well I can look down or away" you said, he nodded and you turned around on your chair you saw a green light on the floor "Ok!" You heard him say, no more echo

You turned back around and he looked... hot?! You felt your face burn up a bit and you could tell you started blushing "Heh... something wrong?" He asked "You look pink, is that normal" he asked again, you nodded franticaly and started eating as did he, you grabbed some coffee that was sitting next to you, you couldn't help but to glance at him every couple seconds

He looked up at you, and you happened to glance at hin in that exact moment "Y/N, are you alright?" He asked "I- uh yeah" you said and put the cup down "You don't seem ok, you're acting weirder than when we might yesterday" he said "Is jt something with my human form, do you not like it?" He asked you started, you started a hear a bit of sarrow in his tone "No it's fine! It's just-" you were cut off by knocking on the wooden doors at the end of the hall

He looked at them and back at you "We can continue this convorsation later, I'll be back in a moment" he stood and teleported to the tall wooden doors, he opened it "Hello!" You heard him say, you then saw him nod and step outside, you started to feel a bit worried on why he stepped outside the place, you looked down at your food and pushed it aside, you heard a bit of a bang and you looked towards the wooden doors, the wall was cracked a bit, you stood in a worry

The crack on the wall dissapeared and you saw XD walk in slowly he turned around and pointed for whoever was there to go away, he then teleported back to you and he was next to you "Sorry! They were bugging me, I bet you saw the cracked wall?" He asked you, you looked up at him hopeing you weren't blushing, "That was me I'm sorry!" He hugged you, and now you were slightly blushing but you hugged him back

He let go and held you by your shoulders "I promise I won't ever hurt you! I can make a deal with you and you can put whatever you want down if I hurt you" he said you nodded slowly, he back up a bit and held his hand out to you, green dust went down his arm and circled his hand, you grabbed it "Like I said, I promise I'll never hurt you" he stsrted the deal, and he glew a green aura, you thought a moment "If you do hurt me... I get to leave for... 5 days" you said, you started glowing green as well, an you shook hands, the green dust seperated between you both and hit the ground

You looked at your hand then at XD "Just never me, and I'll mever leave" you said, he looked at you and smiled "Alright... now how about we finish breakfast?" He said, you laughed a bit and nodded, he went back to his side of the table and sat as well did you sit and contiued breakfast

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