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(Lily invites her sons Stefan and Damon and they're girlfriends Elena and Bonnie to dinner to properly introduce them all to her heretic family in hopes of brokering a peace between them. Tensions are high when they enter the home of the heretics and are greeted by Lily who immediately led them into the living room where her family awaits them)

Elena and Bonnie stood close behind Damon and Stefan as all their eyes scanned the living room which was decorated much like the Salvatore's with furniture from decades past. Standing next to the elaborate fireplace with an elbow rested upon the mantle with a glass of jack in his hand and the other hand in his pocket stood a short, brown haired man with pale skin dressed in a striped shirt with rolled up sleeves and suspenders attached to mocha colored slacks and dress shoes of the same color all reminiscent of the 1920's. At the far end of the couch closest to him sat a woman wearing a green dress of the same era with her legs crossed and fingers interlaced in her lap with a curious grin on her face. The Salvatore brother's gaze traveled to the other side of the fireplace where a bald man with hickory skin in a white dress shirt and black dress pants stood beside the matching couch where one more man sat with disheveled jet black hair, piercing silver eyes and light beige skin dressed similarly to the bald man standing next to him.

Lily cleared her throat and was about to ask where the other two members of her family were when a pale skinned woman with dark brown hair pulled up into a bun and haunting brown eyes wearing a red silk knee length dress entered with a remarkably handsome, well dressed man who gave off a much more intimidating aura than the others. He took one look at the brothers and their dates and then moved to stand with Lily. He placed a hand on the small of Lily's back and bowed his head to her sons. "Welcome. We're pleased to have you." Damon shot Stefan a look before Stefan said to the heretics, "well I assume you all know who we are so," he let his sentence hang in the hopes that they would take the hint. Lily looked to the man with his hand still on her back and placed her own hand on his chest. He extended his arm towards the others and said, "let's not be shy." The tension from before instantly changing at his command. The short man in 1920's clothing helped up the woman who was even shorter than him and led her by the hand to the Salvatore's. Damon lifted a brow as the man held out his hand to him and Stefan. "I'm Clyde Barlow and this is Bonnie Parker. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Damon, Stefan, Elena and Bonnie's eyes all widened at the mention of the couple's names. Bonnie Parker giggled and placed one hand over the other on Clyde's shoulder. "By the looks on y'all's faces I'd say you've heard of us." "I can't imagine there's anyone who hasn't," blurted Elena. Bonnie Parker's eyes shot to her and her already devious smile grew wider. "I like you already. Warms my heart to know our reputations proceed us. Allow me to introduce y'all to the rest of our little clan," she turned and pointed to the bald man. "That there's Jude or Judi when he's being naughty which is hardly ever." Jude grimaced as she continued by gesturing for the woman in the red silk dress to come over to which she happily complied. The woman in red practically flitted over to them and offered her hand which only Stefan took. "I'm so happy to meet you. I'm Liz! I can't wait to get to know you all better." Although she was standing in front of Damon and Stefan, her eyes zeroed in on Bonnie and Elena like a hawk. The man on the couch stood just then and pulled out a switchblade, setting Stefan, Damon, Elena and Bonnie all on edge. He tossed it in the air a few times and caught it with ease while strolling over to the fireplace. "From the stories Lily has told us, it sounds like you, myself and she have something in common Stefan." Stefan's gaze narrowed and Elena instinctually grabbed his arm. "And what would that be?" asked Stefan. The man grinned and pointed the tip of his blade at him. "We three have a penchant for..... ripping." Damon's brow furrowed as he shook his head and held up a finger. "Wait a minute. Back up. Are you seriously trying to say that you're-" "Jack the Ripper? Yes, yes I am." "But he was never identified." declared Elena. His eyes lingered on her for a moment, making Stefan move to place her more behind him. Jack smirked and dropped his head. "True they never figured out who I am and likely never will but at least you lot can now put a face to the infamous moniker." Things were silent for a bit with the exception of Jack's switchblade being sheathed after a warning look from the man who stood beside Lily. Damon cleared his throat and said, "Okay well we already have a Bonnie so to make things less confusing let's just refer to your Bonnie as Bo," he said with a stiff smirk. Bo frowned thoughtfully before smiling and nodding her head in approval of her new nickname. Lily brought her hands together. "Now that we're all properly acquainted, let's head to the dining room for supper."

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