Bonus Chapter 1

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She walked up from behind the pillar. She was drenched in sweat and tears. She saw what just occurred right here and could not believe the turn of events. She went beside the still body and fell down on her knees. She held his hands and bowed her head.

"I am sorry! I am so sorry! I should not have done what I did. This is a big crime against your belief on me. I betrayed you My Lord. How will I repent now that you are not with me"

Suchi starts banging her forehead on Wei chest asking him to forgive her for what she had done. It was then she felt Wei take a deep breath. Suchi immediately stops her antics and listens closely, she could hear the slight intake of breath in and out. She holds Wei's hands and feels the pulse around his wrist. She was sure she could feel some pulse. Then she felt the movement of Wei's chest moving up and down. That was enough of a conformation for Suchi to report. She runs outside the court room where she could hear His Majesty wailing for the loss of his loved one.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Lord Wei is alive! Your Majesty!"

Yunlan who was slowly succumbing to the grief could not hear what Suchi was saying.

Suchi takes a deep breath, holding it in her mouth and screams at the top of her lungs "YOUR MAJESTY! LORD WEI IS ALIVE!"

This time Yunlan did hear what she said but did not mind it much. But then suddenly it clicks his mind. He gets up and walks towards her pushing the people surrounding him.

"What did you say?"

"Lord Wei is alive, Your Majesty! I heard him breath. Please hurry, call the Imperial Doctor"

"TENSING!" He calls for General Tensing and realizes he is no more. "You!" He points at one of the maid. "Get an Imperial doctor to Lord Wei's room."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The maid bows and scurries away looking for the doctor.

Yunlan runs inside and kneels beside Wei. He checks Wei's breathing and indeed he was breathing. He slides his hands below Wei's waist and hoists him up and carries him in his arms and walks towards Wei's chamber. Even though Wei was breathing he had a wound on his stomach which was bleeding. As they were walking Suchi tried to close the wounds using her hand. Once inside the room Imperial Doctor walks in hurriedly and asks everyone to leave the room as he has to stitch Lord Wei's wounds.

Yunlan and his guards stand outside the room waiting for Imperial Doctor to come out. Some maids were running in and out the room to get clean water. Suchi was inside the room beside Wei wiping his forehead now and then. She could see Wei crouching his forehead in pain as the Imperial Doctor inserts a needle inside his stomach to stitch it off.

After some time, the Imperial Doctor walks out of the room. "Your Majesty, Lord Wei is out of danger now. Lord Wei was bleeding badly, I am surprised he is alive. Thank the Lords above he is well now. He just needs some rest and I have given him some medicines. He has a slight fever which will go away in few days. He might be unconscious for few days. Do not worry Your Majesty, Lord Wei will wake up"

Yunlan walks inside Wei's room and finds him sleeping peacefully. He dismisses everyone from the room. He sits beside Wei and holds his hand.

"Thank you for coming back to me. Don't leave me Wei. You are my only life line. I will make everything right once you are well"


A week later, Yunlan was sitting in Wei's chamber and wiping his sweaty forehead. He just sits there and looks at Wei longingly. The day he promised he will make everything right, he immediately sent his soldiers to look for Tian Ming. Yunlan knew since Han Shen is dead, the only option was Bao Bei. But since Bao Bei is dead Yunlan does not know where Tian Ming might be. One of his officials reminds Yunlan of a great swordsman Master who taught Bao Bei Swordsmanship. Taking a chance Yunlan sends his soldiers to the Master to look for Tian Ming.

In just 2 days, his soldiers were able to find Tian Ming. Yunlan had sent a letter along with them which they gave it to Tian Ming. After reading the letter Tian Ming immediately set to go to the palace. Yunlan had written how Wei was badly hurt and was out of danger but wants his son to be near his mother when he wakes up.

Yunlan was waiting along with Tian Ming in Wei's chamber for him to wake up. After Tian Ming reached the palace, he went straight away to meet his mother. Seeing his mother lying pale and weak on the bed, he burst into tears. It was Yunlan who collected him in his arms and calmed him down. From that day on, both of them stayed with Wei in his chamber.

One morning was a blessing to them when Wei woke up. Yunlan and Tian Ming were too happy to see Wei conscious. But Wei was completely confused as to how he was here and why is he seeing Tian Ming here. He thinks he is dreaming but later paincs when Tian Ming holds his hands and cries.

Yunlan tries to calm Wei down "Let's talk later. Don't exert yourself!"

"Mother! Mother! Mother! Why are you like this? You left me a month ago and this is how you are after I find you."

"T-Tian M-Ming.....I am fine....just in a little pain. I will be fine, don't worry too much and don't cry. You are a grown man now. Grown men don't cry nor make other's cry. Understand?"

"Yes mother!"

"Tian Ming, let mother eat food and get some rest. You have not slept properly these days. Now you know your mother is fine, go to your room have a good sleep. Later you can spend time with your mother"

"But I want to stay with mother"

"Tian Ming, what if you exhaust yourself? Who will take care of your mother then?"

"You are right father. I should be awake and strong to help mother. I will go and sleep. I will see mother later"


"I will see you later mother"

"Okay!" Tian Ming leans down and kisses Wei's forehead. Wei startled looks at Yunlan for some jealous reaction. But was really surprised to see love and affection for Tian Ming.

"Did I see it right? Did he really change? Before he hated it if Tian Ming hugged or kissed me. Now, it seems like there is no obsession or jealousy"

"I will ask some maid to bring some food"

"Yunlan, we need to talk"

"I know! But not right now. You need to eat and take your medicine. You need to gather some strength in your body. Once you are well enough we can have a talk. Okay?"


He instructs maids to bring Wei's food and one by one they bring some dishes and places it on the table. "That's a lot of food"

"I want you to eat as much as you can and get well soon"

"You know we cannot eat these food if we are sick right?"

"Ummm...I am sorry! I didn't know...I never took care of anyone"

Wei just smiles at Yunlan "Cute!"

Suchi walks in with some porridge and places it on the table "My Lord, have this porridge, it will make you feel good"

"Thank you Suchi!"

Suchi does not raise her head and just stands there head bowed. "Suchi!"

"Yes My Lord?"

"Look at me!"

Suchi still keeps her head bowed and does not dare to look at Wei "Look at me Suchi, it's an order"

Suchi immediately looks at Wei and he could clearly see deep regret in her eyes. He knew she would not betray him. She was just ordered to do so. It was not her fault at all.

"Let's forget what you did Suchi. You do not have to feel bad about it"

"No my Lord! It is my fault!"

"It's not your fault. It's His Majesties fault for ordering you to betray me" Wei looks at Yunlan and he had a hurt expression on his face.

"Lets forget about it for now. Feed me some porridge"

"Let me do it!" Yunlan takes the bowl.

"No! I want Suchi to feed me"

"Why?" Yunlan had a puppy sad face when he was looking at Wei.

"Because, I am still mad at you. Now leave me, I am hungry"

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