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i updated the last chapter at the end and added several paragraphs so to those who have been reading this please go back and read the last bit



Percy's POV

This school was weird. The students were weird. The whole place was just plain weird. And that's coming from someone who's middle name is weird.

I hadn't really meant to knock that Snape guy off his feat. Come to think of it, I had no idea I was able to do spells, let alone the non-verbal kind, until he'd gotten in my face. The detention had almost been worth it.

I was still trying to get used to the castle. If it hadn't been for Harry and Ron I wouldn't have made it back to the common room. I didn't doubt that Annabeth had already memorized the floor plan in her spare time but she and Hermione had split up to go to Arithmecy, while us four returned to Gryffindor tower for our free period. I wished Camp-Half Blood had free periods...

Ron and Harry spent the rest of the way discussing some letter, I could tell they weren't exactly keen on the idea that Nico and I could hear the whole thing but never-the-less continued the conversation, ever once and awhile pitching their voices too low for either of us to hear. I shrugged it off, they didn't know us, and I wasn't exactly one to talk on secrecy.

I did miss Wise Girl though. It had only been about 30 minutes sense I saw her but it still felt odd without her familiar presence. I could feel Nico's knowing eyes on me and shook off the unease promptly, I had no reason to worry about Annabeth and right now I needed to focus on the quest.

"So, Percy." My head shot up as Harry brought my attention back to the living- I mean 'common' room.


"What's your school like back in America?"

I glanced at Nico who was tapping on the couch arm idly, giving me an amused look as I struggled to come up with some believable information "It's nice, definitely different then here." all true.

"How's that?" asked Ron

"Well," I swallowed "We do a lot more hands on work; more physical. We learn how to defend ourselves in situations where we don't have our wands. Stuff like that." Nico snorted and I elbowed him as discreetly as possible.

"Really?" Harry look taken aback, I silently cursed myself, I should have just kept my mouth shut "thats... interesting. It would probably be good to learn something like that here too." I sighed, glad he didn't seem too skeptical.

"It's come in handy." I agreed

"You could say that again." Said Nico. I could see Ron's eye flicker to him before shifting uncomfortably; Nico had that affect on most people but it still annoyed me.

"Do you guys have breaks here? Like for Christmas?" I asked, covering up the awkward pause that had just ensued.

"Yeah, you can stay at Hogwarts but it's pretty empty over break, most people go home for the holidays." Harry resituated himself as he talked, now facing the fireplace "Are you lot going home for break?"

"I don't think so." I said "New York is pretty far away, we'll most likely stay here. Plus," I added as an afterthought "Nico and I would rather not go on another plane so soon." Not that we had used one in the first place but that was something neither Harry nor Ron needed to know the details of.

"Plains?" asked Ron

For a moment I stared at him, how could someone not know what plains were? But then I remembered that Chiron had mentioned how the wizarding world was almost completely detached from the mortal one, even more so then Camp Half Blood.

"The giant things that fly in the sky." explained Harry "they transport muggles from place to place." muggles...? Oh, right, mortals. I was having trouble remembering all their terms.

"Oh, why would anyone want to use those things? How do they even stay afloat without magic?" He trailed off, muttering something like 'giant metal birds'...

Nico, Harry and I laughed at Ron's views on air travel "I couldn't agree more, they're not the safest way to travel." Said Nico "I'm more of an over the land type of guy."

I wrinkled my nose "Water."

"Water?" asked Harry

"Kelp Head over hear is kinda obsessed with the ocean, or any water for that matter." Said Nico

"Shut it Death Breath." I did the mature thing and stuck out my tong. He only shook his head mockingly and returned to tapping on the sofa.

"Kelp Head?" "Death Breath?" they both asked at once.

I shrugged, neither of them looked like they were satisfied but thankfully the conversation moved to other things and I was left to ponder how we were supposed to survive a whole year here without revealing ourselves...

I shifted uncomfortably, still getting used to carrying around my wand. More often than not the stick dug uncomfortably into my thigh, I was surprised it had held up this long. 

"I suppose we ought to be getting to potions by now, no use in getting detention the first day." Said Ron with a sigh.

"Too late for that." I laughed as we ducked through the porthole and into the hallway

TO EVERYONE WHO MAY BE WONDERING: yes, this chapter is unfinished, i was in the middle of updating it when I got called away to do something and literally have had no time to get back to it! I WILL be finishing this chapter, hopefully soon!

Hope ya'll are having a good week!


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