First Night

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Percy's POV

Why the hat had to talk out loud beat me. Couldn't it just be telepathic or something? When the dumb thing finally asked to be taken off I had no problem obeying and even I wasn't oblivious to the looks the whole room was giving me.

I relaxed as soon as my arm found its way around Annabeth's waist, my mood only increasing as we were allowed to eat. The food looked amazing, nowhere near as healthy as what the nymphs cooked at Camp Half-Blood but, I still dug in without second thoughts.

It took a few minutes but I soon became aware of the looks that were being sent our way from the three students just down the table. With a glance I realized it was Harry Potter and his two friends, the ones that Chiron wanted us to protect.

As dinner was cleared and dessert had reappeared I couldn't help but look around the table for blue cookies, it was a long shot but I still felt a twinge of homesickness when I couldn't find them.

"There's no blue cookies." I knew I was wining, but I didn't care.

Nico and Annabeth only laughed "Seaweed brain, I'm sure Sally will send you some as soon as she can." I only stuck out my lip farther.

I was saved from having to beg when Nico passed me a plate of my second favorite dessert; girl scout cookies. Man, these things were almost as good as my mom's blue cookies... almost.

"Slow down Kelp Head, you're going to eat us out of dessert." Nico grinned at me. After the Giant War I'd found out about Nico's secret, the enemy had been using it as leverage, they'd asked Nico for too much and he hadn't been willing to give it so they leaked the details to me through a dream. It had been weird at first but it had only taken a few months before both Nico and I had talked it through.

Now, even though he wouldn't admit it, I could tell there was something between him and Pollux. He knew Dionysus was suspicious as well and after what happened to Castor, Percy wasn't sure if that was a bad thing or a very bad thing.

"There's plenty of dessert to go around, I bet we could feed an entire legion on this for a week." 

Nico shook his head and chuckled, something he had been doing allot more sense the battle had ended. "Sure, whatever you say."

I groaned as the table was magically cleared once again and Dumbledore stood from his high backed chair. "Now that you have had your share of dinner I would like to move on to other matters. First, let us welcome our new Potions master, Horace Slughorn."

Dumbeldore led the hall in a round of applause as a rather round man in a pair of pale purple robes stood from the table and excepted his share of claps. From farther down the table I heard the red head, Tom? Ron? whisper "If he's Potions Master than what the bloody hell is Snape teaching?!" I lost the rest of the conversation as Dumbledore continued.

"Second, most of you already know Professor Snape, who, in previous years has held the position as Potions Master. This year he has graciously accepted my invitation to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts position." The Slytherin table exploded into a round of cheers so ruckus that all I could catch from Harry's conversation was the astonished glances shared between the three.

"Now, I presume that everyone in this hall knows that Lord Voldemort, as well as a great number of his followers, have become at large once again." The antsy chatter that had filled the hall throughout Dumbledore's speech now fell flat. "It is my duty to warn all of you how dangerous this situation is. It goes without saying that the magical, as well as physical, fortifications around Hogwarts has been enforced over the summer, we are now being protected in more powerful ways. However, this does not mean that you should not be on your guard, I suggest you have your wand with you at all times and keep a sharp look out." All eyes had still not left Dumbledore, though some made a fleeting glance at Harry. "Though security measures may feel irksome, I ask you to pay special care to any and all that have been or will be placed upon you this year, I speak particularly to the rule of curfew. If you notice anything strange or out of place, report it to the staff immediately, you have nothing to fear from being overlooked or scolded should your suspicions be proved wrong. I trust you to conduct yourselves, as always, with the utmost regard for your own and others' safety."

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