Morning Suprise

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Harry's POV

The common room fire had been banked sometime the night before, most likely by the house elves, a fact Hermione wasted no time in pointing out, scattering SPEW badges on the small tables around the room. 

"Hermione, nobody is going to use any of those!" said Ron, who had been trying to discreetly sweep as many as he could into the umbrella stand without drawing attention.

"Just because none of you want them doesn't mean I shouldn't give the first years the opportunity!" snapped Hermione, who, in the wake of Ron's gathering, was replacing the missing badges with new ones.

The common room was empty. Today was the day before classes started and the rest of the castle was still sleeping comfortably in their beds. We, on the other hand, had been dragged out of bed by a very awake Hermione. She had insisted that we spend the wee hours before breakfast in a more productive way than sleeping; promoting SPEW. If you asked me, Hermione's incessant obsession had only made the popularity of SPEW drop from nonexistent to an absolute negative.

"Oi," said Ron "Look at this." He pointed to the couch facing the fire. 

On the cushions, which had previously been shielded by the high back of the sofa, lay both Percy and Annabeth. 

Hermione humphed "They can't do this. Hogwarts has a very strict co-ed rule!"

"Oh, come off it Hermione," whispered Ron "They probably just accidentally fell asleep here last night."

"It doesn't matter!" she was blushing furiously, avoiding looking at the couple, who was tangled together so profusely that it seemed like they might just be one person. Percy's hand was resting on Annabeth's bare hip, her shirt had presumably ridden up during the night, now crumpled just above her belly button.

Percy was no less presentable; shirt caught between both of their bodies, giving us a full view of his abs. I had to admit I was jealous. Percy looked like a cooler, older version of me. His tan skin was something you could only attain by spending hours in the sun, something I had never done.

"Come on Hermione, don't just stand there and stare at them. Let's go to breakf-" Ron was cut off as Hermione grabbed on to his sleeve.

"Wait, what's that?" she asked.

"What?" I said, glancing around the room.

"That?" she pointed to Percy's exposed abdomen, the blush on her cheeks rising to her ears.

I looked closer. In the dim light of the morning and glowing coals I hadn't noticed the odd marks along his side. "I don't-"

"Their scars." she gasped.

Ron's squished faced relaxed into a look of confusion. "Huh?"

"Honestly Ronald, look!"

He rolled his eyes but leaned forward, his eyebrows rising as he got a view of the scar. "It looks like a claw mark..."

From the couch Percy mumbled something about a "Wise Girl." before curling his arm around her and burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Come on." I said, "We can't just be standing here when they wake up."

"And why not?" snapped Hermione, who was only now fading to a slight pink. "They can't just get away with breaking the rules like this!"

"Hermione, how many times have we broken rules?" I asked

"That's not the point!" she snapped "None of us have ever done... well, t-this." She stuttered slightly, the red rising once again.

"Come on Hermione." said an exasperated Ron, taking a reluctant Hermione from the room. 

I rolled my eyes and followed.



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