The List

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Harry's POV

I have never, in my life, seen someone eat as much food as Perseus Jackson. Not even Ron, who shoveled down food like it was the start of an Apocalypse, could out eat the American exchange student.

It wasn't hard to tell that the rest of the room was looking at them too, especially Perseus, not because of the insane amount of food he consumed but because of the reaction the hat had towards him. Come to think of it, all of the American Exchange students had seemed to have put the sorting hat on edge.

To the left of me Hermione sat, huddled over a piece of parchment, quill jotting down notes at lightning speed.

"Oi! What are you doing?" asked Ron through a mouthful of roast ham.

"Hermione." I said when she only continued to scribble maddeningly.

"Hmmm...?" she asked distractedly

"What in bloody hell did that parchment ever do to you?" asked an incredulous Ron.

With a satisfied flourish Hermione turned her attention to the both of us, handing the blotched page to Ron's outstretched hand. With one hand he raised a drumstick to his searching lips, in the other the scroll was clutched loosely. "Never been blessed with good fortune... wisdom's daughter..." Ron looked up from his mutterings "You wrote down what the hat said?"

"huh?" I asked intelligently

Hermione looked slightly sheepish "It's just, it seemed weird and I thought it would be good to keep a list."

Snatching the list from Ron I scanned Hermione's tidy scrawl. 


Half-Bloods have never been blessed with good fortune

Wisdom's Daughter


No stranger to death, one would say you know him quiet well

Considered for Slytherin


"Memories like yours aren't meant to be shared."

loyalty to friends

didn't want to be on his head anymore

"I get why you wrote all this down Hermione, but really, don't you think all this is a little extreme?" I asked.

Ron nodded "We don't even know who they are yet Hermione." though, through the very large mouth full of food, it sounded more like Hagrid trying to recite poems after a few to many firewiskey shots.

"Ronald, please, don't talk with your mouth full. And, it just so happens, that I would like to be prepared. We've never had exchange students before, not to mention in the middle of their schooling, it's unheard of. Don't you think that's a little strange?"

Before either of us could answer, the food from the table vanished, including the half eaten drumstick Ron had just taken a bite of. Glancing down the table I saw Perseus looking more than a little forlorn at the loss of food but brightened almost immediately when the table was re-adorn with desserts of every kind. He scanned the table with excitement that soon wilted, turning to the blonde next to him he pouted "There's no blue cookies."

Huh? Blue cookies?

The guy with the pale skin, Nico, and Annabeth laughed "Seaweed brain, I'm sure Sally will send you some as soon as she can." He only continued to look sad until Nico passed him a heaping plate of chocolate mint girl scout cookies.

Beside me I watched as Hermione scribbled 'Seaweed brain' next to Perseus' name. I wasn't sure how their nick names mattered but I wasn't in the mood for a lecture from Hermione about "the importance of detail."

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