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Harry's POV

The rest of the day was spent leisurely, though Hermione's foul mood hardly let up until lunch and by then we had already compared schedules.

"Blimey, looks like we have every class together Harry." Ron nodded at the piece of parchment clutched between his hands "And look here!" he brandished the writing so close to Harry's nose the words became blurry.

"No need to beat him with it." snapped Hermione from across the table, she had been staring angrily at her roast hen for the last half hour as if it had personally given her bad marks in Herbology.

Ron grumbled something nasty but never the less placed the paper on the table "See, we have a free period after breakfast, after break and after lunch! This is excellent!" He punctuated his enthusiasm by stuffing a large piece of corn bread in his mouth.

Before I could respond Angelina came up behind me "I knew you'd get it Harry!" she pointed to the Quidditch Captain badge I had pinned to my chest only moments before "Congratulations!"

"Thanks Angelina." I smiled back at her

"I'll be seeing you at try outs then."

"Angelina, I've watched you fly for five years, you don't need to try out!"

She shook her head "You can't be starting out like that Harry, then people will be wondering if you're playing favorites."

"Everyone knows your one of the best." I argued

"Maybe, but you still got to play it fair." I waved as she turned back to her friends.

"She's right, you know." grimaced Hermione.

"Ya, I know." I said

From the front of the room came a scuffle as all three of the exchange students made their way through the giant double doors to the table. Harry couldn't help but stifle a laugh as Nico made retching sounds every time Percy and Annabeth so much as looked at each other. It wasn't long before they both landed a well-placed punch on either side of his arms, he only scowled and stuck out his tong.

The three of them plopped down at the table, all filling their plates with food.

It was Percy who turned to Harry "You wouldn't happen to know where Defense Against the Dark Arts is?" he asked

Hermione stared at her still uneaten chicken with renewed interest; a distinctly pink tinge had flared up around her ears. "Sure." I pulled out my schedule and laid it next to his "Potions, Herbology..." I read the classes to myself "We have the same ones." I said "You can come with us."

"We have the same classes as well." said Annabeth, leaning around Percy to speak to us.

"Swell." snapped Hermione. For a moment I thought Annabeth was going to say something but she only looked at her for a moment, her gray eyes scanning the increasingly red Hermione, before returning to me.

"How come there's so many ghosts here?" asked Nico, who hadn't stopped glaring at the apperations sense he had entered the hall

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you." said Hermione.

The three snorted and exchanged a bemused look "That's not what I was worried about. Why are they here? Shouldn't they be in the under- the afterlife?" He coughed awkwardly

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hermione fish in her bag for something before pulling out a crumpled piece of parchment, a quill hovering above it in anticipation. "They chose to be here." I said

"Chose to be here?" Asked Annabeth, next to her Percy and Nico exchanged a glance and snickered.

"When they die," I said, suppressing a smirk as Annabeth turned her glare onto the two boys who had muttered something about 'Athena' and 'not knowing something' "they can make a choice; go on to whatever is afterwards or stay as ghosts."

"Sounds like Lares." Percy grimaced. I pretend to be highly interested in my green beans as Annabeth elbowed him in the ribs, giving both the boys a pointed look

"Lares?" asked Hermione, who had perked up considerably at the thought of learning something she didn't already know

"Oh, there nothing." Said Annabeth "Our schools head master tells us stories after dinner, there usually about Greek or Roman myths. Lares are spirits who choose to stay behind and look after the living."

"Interesting, do you know much about Mythology?" The parchment I had just identified as the list Hermione had made to keep track of the weird things the Exchange students did was now tucked under her plate, the roast hen forgotten.

"Who? Wise Girl?" Percy turned from his whispered conversation with Nico to slip an arm around Annabeth "She knows about everything." I looked away as they kissed, it was short but the air between them made it seem like I was privy to something deeply intimate.

"Mythology is a strong suit of mine, actually." She said, returning her attention to Hermione, who couldn't seem to shake the red glow on her cheeks.

Percy snorted "What isn't your strong suit?" he ducked a punch, laughing good naturedly at his girlfriend's best attempts to tackle him. It ended quickly as Percy ducked underneath her arm and gave her a fleeting kiss on her cheek, which seemed to placate her.

"I know a little of Mythology, they don't teach much of it here at Hogwarts but I've read a few books." Said Hermione. I shared a look with Ron, we both knew Hermione's idea of a few books more likely resembled a small library. Annabeth was most likely in for a rude awakening if she thought Hermione had only dabbled, and by the looks of Hermione's pursed lips and slightly upturned nose, she thought the same. 

As we were to later learn from an equally flabbergasted and suspicious Hermione; Annabeth was more then a match for her when it came to Mythology.



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