Glares Over Oatmeal

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Harry POV

Hermione's scowl didn't fall from her face once throughout breakfast, a look that only intensified when Nico came down alone. If he noticed the disapproving glare that was burning holes into him he didn't bother to acknowledge it.

 The day had hardly begun and I was already wishing I had denied any request to help with SPEW and holed up in bed all day. Hermione's reaction to what Malfoy had said on the train last night did nothing for my mood.

"Well, he was obviously showing off for Pansy, wasn't he?" she snapped, as I jabbed at her for an answer.

"I don't know." Said Ron, talking quickly through several spoonfulls of oatmeal and marmalade.

"What do you mean "you don't know"!?" growled Hermione, who now turned her glare on Ron "Malfoy isn't exactly known for his integrity, now is he."

"No but that's an awfully big lie to tell, even for the little git. His father is a death eater, if it got back to You Know Who he was going around telling people he had been recruited, I doubt he'd still be looking so smug." Ron had hardly looked away from his porridge but now made a point of glaring at Malfoy, who was sharing a particularly nasty smile between Crab and Goyal.

"Why on earth would You Know Who make Malfoy a Death Eater when there's hundreds of other dark wizards to recruit?" Hermione said, still glaring at the two empty spots on the bench beside Nico.

"Because Hermione, if Voldemort had a Death Eater inside Hogwarts..." I didn't even finish, Ron swallowed an uncomfortably large bite of marmalade and oats before breaking down into a fit of coughing and Hermione returned her piercing glare to me.

She shook her head in denial "I don't know Harry, it just doesn't seem like something he would do."

"And how exactly *cough* do you know *cough* what You Know Who *choke* would do?" Ron's eyes were streaming but he managed to wheeze out the very question I was biting back.

"I just don't think it's true Ronald and maybe-" she cut herself off as she slowly became aware of the growing number of ears that had been trying to catch wind of the conversation. "You just believe what you want." She whispered savagely "I'm going to the library to put up some S.P.E.W. posters, I recommend you to keep an eye on the new students, maybe they are Death Eaters." With that she turned on her heel and stomped out of the Great Hall.

With a look of someone who was being forced to part with a lover Ron stood up, grabbing several pieces of toast, thickly spread with butter and jam "Well, I'll be off, prefect duties and such. Just ignore Hermione, she's still pissed about this morning, why she can't just let them be I don't know."

Ron was right. I sighed and nodded. "See ya."

"See ya." He replied, before stuffing half a piece of toast in his mouth. Apparently Lavender Brown found this highly amusing and didn't stop giggling until she found her way to her table. Ron, on the other hand, looked highly pleased, before exiting the Great Hall with renewed gusto.

That left me to finish my cooling porridge in silence.


My day had taken a turn for the better once McGonagall had assured me that I, in fact, could continue taking Potions after last year's O.W.L.'s and it was a shame Hermione hadn't stuck around long enough to ream Percy and Annabeth about last night's infractions when they finally did come down for breakfast.

They looked frazzled but well rested; half of Percy's hair was sticking straight up from being pressed up against a pillow all night and Annabeth's curls were wilder than they had been the night before. Both were wearing an odd mixture of the uniforms and their own Muggle clothing, as if neither had been willing to completely conform to the rules. 

Annabeth was wearing the mandatory white shirt, Gryffindor tie and black sweater but had forgone the skirt and tights for a pair of dark jeans and sneakers.

Percy was very much the same; his white shirt un-tucked, tie hanging loosely around his neck, a pair of equally unorthodox jeans and what appeared to be well worn converse replaced the robes and sweater.

Even in their disarrayed state members of both genders and from all tables looked on a little dreamily. I rolled my eyes, I did admit they were both extremely good looking, all three of the exchange students were, but the way the school was acting it made it seem like they were half Veela or something.

Annabeth shook her head disapprovingly as they took a seat next to Nico, ignoring the sudden whispering that broke out, and focused her attention, instead, on Percy's uncooperative tie. From down the table all I could catch was an exasperated 'Seaweed Brain' as she fixed the knot and laid it flat against his chest.

Next to me Ginny scoffed and muttered something about good for nothing girls. I laughed. For a moment we made eye contact but I quickly looked away, focusing on my now absolutely freezing oatmeal and tried to control my rising blush.

Get it together Harry! This is your best mates little sister! 

I shook my head, muttered a goodbye and slipped out of the Dining Hall, leaving the cold oats nearly untouched on the table.

 Don't forget to VOTE :) <3


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