DADA Snape's Way

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Harry's POV

         Despite Hermione's exit in the breakfast hall this morning she was the first one in Defense Against the Dark Arts, her book already open to the first page. She all but ignored the rest of us, keeping her nose slightly higher than usual which made it almost comical as she tried to read the words on the page while simultaneously keeping her face upturned.

                It was clear Snape had time to get accustomed to his new classroom. The walls were draped with dark fabric, odd contraptions had been placed around the room at random and last year's paintings of cats in tea saucers were replaced by detailed depictions of what appeared to be an assortment of Witches and Wizards in varying states of pain. Annabeth and Percy only raised their eyebrows and shrugged at the chosen décor, while Nico seemed more at home in the grunge of the classroom then he had in the open air of the castle corridors.

                With an exaggerated bang the door closed behind the remaining students and Snape swept into the now quiet room. "I do not remember asking you take out your books." He said. To my left I could see Hermione's nose lower itself to its original position as she hurriedly stowed Confronting the Faceless beneath her chair.

Snape, who was now facing the class from behind his desk, scanned the classroom from beneath his bushy eyebrows lingering on the new exchange students a half a second longer than the rest "I wish to speak to you and I want your fullest attention." His gaze reached Harry's and quickly passed "You have had five teachers in this subject"

Ron scoffed "And I'm sure you were happy to see every one of them go." He said scathingly.

"Naturally," he continued "each would have had their own methods. Given this confusion I am surprised that you have all managed to scrape an O.W.L in this subject.  I will be even more surprised if you can keep up with the N.E.W.T work."

                He pushed himself from the desk and began a slow pace around the outer rim of the classroom "The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer then before."

This time it was Nico who scoffed "You'd think he'd get a better metaphor then a Hydra."

"If evil was like a Hydra we could have chopped its heads off and bunt it up a long time ago." Said Percy with amusement.

"Don't be so cocky Seaweed Brain, you couldn't even take him down without the help of Clarisse and a flame thrower." Annabeth said, simultaneously jesturing for them to stop talking

He pouted "Hey! I was young and I had no idea how to kill it and you weren't there to tell me what to do!" She rolled her eyes but grinned.

I felt Hermione scribble something on her piece of parchment and couldn't help but match Annabeth's eye roll. Snape had made a half circle around the classroom and was still talking in hushed tones "Your defenses must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo." Annabeth nodded in agreement. "These pictures," he pointed to several as he passed beneath them "give a fair representation of what happens to those who suffer, for instance, the Cruciatus Curse" he indicated a witch who was clearly shrieking in agony "feel the Dementor's kiss"  a wizard huddled against a wall, blank eyed "or provoke the aggression of the Inferius" he waved his hands toward what appeared to be no more then a bloody mass upon the ground. I glanced at the American's expecting them to be grimacing along with the rest of the class but they were only nodding as Snape talked, I could practically see the words Hermione was writing on her paper; 'agrees with Snape.'

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