3- The Starting Point

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For chxesoo_kxm :)


I found Jungkook cooking in my kitchen when I got home.

"Kook ah," I hugged him from behind.

"Noona, you're back" He turned around and hugged me warmly.

"I'm sorry I left without telling you. It's just that an old friend visited me and I had to go with her" I explained sincerely and he smiled.

"Jerry Jennie right?" "How..?"

"We talked. It's okay Chipmunk noona" He patted my head and crossed to the living room.

"I got you your favourite doughnuts" He held them up to me and I smiled.

"Thank you bun bun" I giggled and took a bite then fed him too.


Tae was knocking on my door but I didn't bother getting up from my bed.

I was still down from yesterday. Rosé literally walked out on me, for a guy.

She's my only friend and the only none family member who gets me.

"Jen? Are you okay? Please answer me" Tae spoke softly and I sniffled then wiped my face with a tissue.

"Coming" I croaked and slipped on my Hello Kitty slippers.

I opened the door and he quickly hugged me.

"I was so worried Mandu.. please don't do that again" He croaked and I rubbed his back.

"I'm sorry Papa Tae" I said and he pulled away to examine me.

"It's okay. First, let's get you some breakfast" He said urgently and I could only follow him as he pulled me down the stairs.

"Mom and Dad cancelled their meeting Jen, so we could have breakfast as a family, just like you told me" He chuckled when we got to the grand dining room and I managed to smile.

"Thank you everyone, especially you Papa Tae" I kissed his cheek and he smiled his boxy smile.

"I'm starting to think he's your actual father and not me" Dad chuckled and I went over to him and kissed his cheek, then hugged him.

"No one can replace you dad. You know how TaeTae and I are, right? He's just a really good big brother" I told him as I hugged him and he 'awwed'.

"That's all I ever wanted to hear. I'm sure Taehyung will be able to take care of you more than well even if we were gone for long" Mum said and Tae nodded with a cute smile.

"Absolutely. Jen Jen is my precious little one. Oh, that reminds me, we have an outing later today Jennie" He pointed at me and I got seated.

"Where to?" I asked him and mum served breakfast but Tae dished out my food for me.

"You'll know when we get there dongseng" He winked and I shrugged.

I just know it'll be fun. I also wish someone'd like to come with me.

15th September 2021

I saw Jennie coming into the bar where I walked with two regular, but buff guys wearing casual clothes on either sides of her.

"Unnie?" I slid out from behind the counter and hugged her.

"I'm sorry I bailed out on you yesterday" I pulled away and held her hands.

"It's okay, I get it" She said in a quiet voice.

As far as I know Jennie, she's still upset.

I grabbed her small shoulders and hugged her again.

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