21- Mission: Exfiltration

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Here, just so I don't forget.


"Lisa will take out the security cameras and the lasers so we can enter the building. Jisoo and I will take out the guards on the left side, Irene will take out those on the right side and we'll meet in the middle of the mansion to make sure everything is okay. Lisa and Rosé will keep an eye out for any trouble and buy us time while we delete the main footage. Lisa, while we're at it, hack into the Chief's phone and destroy the network server so no one can reach him" Seulgi explained and Lisa gave her a thumbs up.

Seulgi and Jisoo got their back packs on and crouched before pressing a button and a clawed cord shot out and attached itself to the highest wall. They got into position near the wall and were pulled up by the cords and the wheels that jutted out of the backpacks.

Meanwhile, Irene got into the mansion by disabling the security system at the gate, which of course triggered an alarm.


"About ten guards coming your way Rene" Lisa said uninterestedly as she made the alarm stop from her computer.

Jisoo and Seulgi detached the claw cords as soon as they got up the roof.

"Get in, I'll help Irene" Jisoo said and Seulgi nodded and wasted no time in going down the opening.

Jisoo ran across the roof before jumping off and landing on a guard, immediately taking him out with a snap of his neck. She looked around and continued running to where Irene was.

"I wonder how they're doing"

Jisoo caught hold of a guard and smashed his face into the wall then kicked him off the railing.

Another guy jumped on her from behind but she simply flipped him off and threw him down too.

"I trust Jisoo. She's probably kicking ass" Lisa said confidently and Irene blocked a man's punches with her bare hands before swinging a kick at his face and punching his face powerfully.

"And Irene and Seulgi?" Rosé asked again and Jisoo forced a guard into the electrical unit.


Seulgi got into the building, only to be met face to face with a tiny dude of a guard.

He looked scared to see her and she made to walk away but a Hulk of a man stood in her way, bulging muscles, high chest and thick thighs on view.

Irene cartwheeled across the room to dodge the guards' bullets before sliding behind a table which she forced down. She started rolling the table to get around before she grabbed her knife and threw it straight at a guard's throat, spilling blood on the floor.

Seulgi ran across the room, towards the Hulk, and swung a kick at his face then forced him back into the wall but he grabbed her and threw her into the wall,  breaking it. He swung a steel pipe at her head but she was quick to roll out of the way. He growled at her and she took a fighting stance.

Jisoo slid underneath a guard's legs with a cord and ran across the room, dodging a few bullets every now and then. She looked behind her and came to a stop, taking in all her work.

"Hey you!"

She just smirked before jumping off the railing as a flood of bullets followed her but soon all of the guards upstairs started screaming in pain, until there was nothing.

Seulgi ducked as the Hulk threw a whole table in her direction only for him to punch her straight in the gut and she coughed blood.

"Not so tough, huh?" He grunted as he picked Seulgi up by her collar and she looked down at him with a smirk.

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