12- Lovesick Girl

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Timestamps coming soon, my bad.


I was cleaning my home when the door creaked open. I wonder who it is.

"Kook ah?"

"Noona!" I dropped the broom and ran to her. "Noona?" I raised a brow when I saw a random brunette instead of Chipmunk noona.

"Kook, it's me, I'm just wearing a mask" She removed the mask and I jumped and ran up to her.

"Did you miss me?"

"Of course I did! Where were you? I was searching for you but I couldn't find you.. do you know how worried I was Noona?" He wiped his tears and I wiped mine too.

"Stop crying, you're making me sad too" I told him and he hugged me again.

"But where were you?" He inquired, with tears still in his eyes and I wiped them away.

"I was with a nice girl. I live with her now"

"Why? You could have stayed with me, not a stranger--"

"Kook it's a long story. I'll tell you later" I ruffled his hair and he sighed.

Then he noticed Lisa leaning against the wall by the door frame.

"Who is that barbie?" He whispered in my ear.

"Lisa, not barbie" She corrected him and he hid behind me.

"Sorry" He apologised from behind me and Lisa nodded.

Lisa and I left Jungkook after I gave him my new number.

"Do you wanna see someone else?" Lisa asked me as I pulled my mask over my head.

"Yes. Jennie"

"Who's that?"

"The President's daughter" I said and she nodded.

"I've heard of her. She's hot as hell" She winked and I rolled my eyes.

"You're so gay Lisa"

"I can't help but notice amazingness. What are my eyes for?" She joked and I sighed.


I texted Jennie to meet me in a safe place. She didn't reply, but I knew she'd be there.

"What if she doesn't come?" Lisa asked me.

"She will" I told her confidently and she shrugged.

She drove to the place and I could see Jennie's car as Lisa arrived and I smiled.

"She has a good taste in cars" Lisa nodded at Jennie's Bugatti.

"Yeah" I got out of the car, and went into Jennie's, then removed the mask.

She quickly hugged me and I breathed in her scent and she sighed.

"I missed you so much.. why didn't you answer my calls? I tried to look for you but you were nowhere to be found and--"

"Shh" I pressed my hand to her lips and she relaxed. "I'm here now. And I'm okay. But you.." I traced my thumb against her eye bags and she closed her eyes.

"Why did you neglect yourself?" I asked her and she opened her eyes.

"What's the use if you aren't there?" She whispered and I sighed.


"I really love you Rosé.. I was serious about what I said. I just wish you could understand" She held my hands and looked at them. "But I'm willing to wait"

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