20- Mission: Infiltration

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So sorry, I had a déjà vu about updating this book, come at me, I deserve it *gets a pillow to hide behind*



Lisa and I just landed on the rooftop of the hotel. We were dropped off by a chopper.

"That was amazing"

"I guess"

"Shh, I was talking to my muscles"

"Oh brother.." I sighed and pushed Lisa aside.

"YaaAAAH! Watch it lady!" Lisa yelled in Korean and I unwrapped a new lollipop.

"Showtime!" I jerked my head so my shades dropped down, completely ignoring Lisa, who by the way looks ridiculously amazing in tight clothing.


Lisa set up her super computer on top of an air conditioning unit and proceeded to place a small device that was a virus portal, on the wall.

"What's that?" Irene asked and removed her lollipop from her mouth.

"A virus portal. It'll mess with their WiFi and grant me access into their software" Lisa replied, paying maximum attention to the super computer in front of her.

"Impressive. For once" Irene put her lollipop back and smacked Lisa's ass.

"You have no shame, do you?" Lisa asked cooly while her long fingers typed in the virus file, which allowed her access to all the cameras. "Get ready. I'm going to hack them now" She looked over her shoulder slightly and Irene cracked her knuckles.

"About time" She said and grabbed a flashlight from Lisa's belt buckle.

"Haha, the witch didn't bring a flashlight"

"Atleast I can kill in the dark, elf"


Irene attached the cord to her own belt buckle and jumped down the vent she unscrewed earlier.

Lisa had an x-ray vision of the entire hotel showing on her super computer so she could monitor Irene's movements and protect her from the outside.

"Where should I go now?" Irene whispered when she came to a crossroad of two vents.

"Go left, then take two right turns and you'll arrive at the master suite, after which you'll--"

"Hey. Slow down bubble ass"

"That same bubble ass is saving your cranky ass, mind you"

"Whatever. A left and two right turns right?"


Irene continued crawling and followed Lisa's instructions after which she unscrewed the bolts of a vent and kicked it down.

"Yeah" She prepped herself and climbed down then detached the cord immediately and went out the door stealthily, looking around.

"Done?" Lisa asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, now say the way bubble ass"

Lisa rolled her eyes and unzoomed the map.

"You're in the halls now. Go straight, then take a left. You'll see the stairs. Go up them"

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