22- Aerial Vibes

613 51 41

I need a better chapter name.


"Nooo! Jisoo yah!" I tried to jump out of the chopper but Irene and Seulgi held me back.

"I can't read her status" Yeri announced and I started sobbing.

Rosé suddenly took off her head gear and before we knew it, she grabbed a cord and jumped out of the chopper.



I attached the cord the hook on my back and threw one of the magnetic binders down while I held onto the other one.

Please work...

I was starting to feel a pull from below and I tapped the earpiece so a special helmet formed around my head.

"Gotcha" I breathed as she caught hold of my hand and I held on tightly.

She was starting to lose consciousness so I adjusted her helmet and wrapped myself around her then tugged at the cord and it pulled us back into the chopper forcefully.

We hit the wall with a thud before slamming onto the floor and I choked.

"Guys, you're okay" Lisa quickly hugged me and I breathed.

"Jisoo's out cold" Seulgi announced and I pushed Lisa back.

"She's not breathing" Irene called and I felt a pang in my chest.

"That's not true" I crouched beside her.

"Given how high up in the sky we are... shit happened" Yeri gulped.

"No, this is not true. This woman is Kim Jisoo!" I raised my voice and Lisa dropped to the ground in disbelief.

"Even if she's dead, I'll bring her back. Because she showed me there was hope hidden somewhere in this fucky world, and mine is with her. If you aren't gonna help me, stand back" I told them and they looked down.

"Yeri, get us down lower. Lisa, shut the door, Irene, you're on co pilot" Seulgi instructed them and dropped to her knees and I nodded.

Yeri brought the chopper down to a lower altitude and Seulgi started pumping Jisoo's chest with her hands, while Lisa brought an oxygen mask and attached it to her face.

Yeri threw an injection at Seulgi and she caught it then stuck it into Jisoo's chest.

"It's not working. Her temperature is starting to drop!" Lisa called and Seulgi got another shot and injected it into Jisoo while I watched.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

"I'm a killer. And I'm here to kill you"

"Are you just gonna leave so easily? Huh?! After killing so many criminals? Will you go by barely escaping a missile? Kim Jisoo? Well you're just a coward! And a lowlife criminal" I yelled and hit her chest roughly.

She jerked and Seulgi looked at me.

"She's coming through. Keep dissing her!"

"You said you would protect me from the police, well where are you now? Who's gonna protect me now huh?! Well guess what? I'll leave you for Jen--"

She shot up with a deep gasp for air and Lisa jumped back.

"Don't... say her name" She gasped and threw her head back but I threw my arms around her and hugged her.

"Don't ever do that to me again you stupid idiot.." I sniffled and she placed a hand on my back.

"I'm not an idiot. I'm Kim Jisoo"

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