Chapter 3: snuggle time with uncle Bo

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TW // some surprisingly heavy past events shit for a movie and cuddles day...

Tetsurou Kuroo

Kazuki was an early riser, which on my days off was...hell. Right on cue, he came running into my room and tapped the side of my head. I was already awake, but pretended to be asleep to play with him. He gently tapped me, and all of a sudden i lunged at him, making scary noises and throwing the covers around. His giggles filled the air, and Sunday morning couldn't have been any sweeter.

I did the usual Sunday routine of bacon and eggs for breakfast, his weekly treat, and we sat together in our significantly different sized pyjamas and ate. I looked at him and said "movie day?" once I'd finished, and he nodded excitedly. I left him to finish his meal as I fetched a bunch of pillows and blankets from upstairs, and some of his favourite movies. Let's see....we have The Lion King, Frozen, Toy Story, Up, and coco. That'd be enough for a day I thought, and got myself comfortable. I decided to message Bokuto while I waited for Kazuki.

Hey, you free today?

We are literally meeting
up later, so yes I'm free..

We're doing movies and
cuddles, wanna come over?

Hell yeah, I love
movies and cuddles!
Would it be weird if uncle Bo
and daddy cuddled...?

Don't even think about it,
I'll tell Akaashi

Awwwww bro
I'm kidding...



Stop being weird.


Bring the Santa pyjamas.


Bokuto was....a handful, but he was excellent with Kazuki. Probably a mental age kind of thing, but still, it helped having him around. I didn't mention it to Kazuki, instead just cleaning up the plates as he waited for me in our little den. A knock at the door was met with a trademark greeting.

"Hey hey hey!"

"No uncle Bo! It's ho ho ho!"

"...nah, I'm pretty sure it's hey hey hey Kaz. I'll tell ya what, go ask your daddy what he thinks and I'll come inside, okay?"


The first time Bokuto had referred to me as "daddy" to Kazuki I nearly pelted him with a frying pan, but over time I kinda got used to being called that. It still irked me, hearing it from my best friend, but...I'm genuinely such a child.

"Daddy, uncle Bo says it hey hey hey, but it's ho ho ho, right daddy?"

"Yeah, bud, you're right. Your uncle Bo was never the brightest..." I said with a solemn face, which made Kazuki laugh a lot. He ran to Bokuto and was welcomed by a big hug, which made me smile every time. He'd been with me through the whole thing, and was the one who drove me to the hospital after the crazy bitch's attack. Kazuki had cried so much that night, and it was his uncle Bo who had been able to calm him, letting him mess with his silly hair.

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