Chapter 11: boxing day

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Tetsurou Kuroo

Waking up on Boxing Day was always a struggle. I was stuffed full of turkey from yesterday, and I didn't need an excited six year old and a puppy jumping all over my stomach right now. I reached up to pull him down in front of me, and the three of us just lay and cuddled there for a while, no pressure on either of us. He eventually pried himself away from me, and we got up together. It was Sunday, so time for bacon and eggs!


"Yeah bud?"

"....when are you seeing Kenma again...?"

Oh my god...he wants to see him again! This was all the motivation I needed to message Kenma and re-arrange our pizza night. He agreed to come over tonight, and I told Kazuki. I'm sure I'll be able to find an open pizza shop on Boxing Day, right?

"Yeah! Pizza night!"

"I know bud, I know. But you're going to your grandparents today, remember? They want to give you your presents, and you can take Jack to meet them too!"

"Yeah, ok!" He said, finishing his food and dashing up the stairs to get changed. The pup followed him closely, and I smiled at my two boys, before going up to change as well. We hopped into the car, and I drove him to my parents house with the pup. Handing them over, I left them, planning to drive to Kenma's and surprise him.

It was then that I felt the impact.

When I woke up, there were loud noises everywhere. My leg had a searing pain seeping through it, and my face burned. I felt a severe stinging, and realised that I was bleeding quite badly from a gash in it. The pain was torture, and a firefighter came over to the window in a rush, saying "please stay still sir, we'll get you out as soon as possible"

I could only nod back at him, biting my lip to try and stop myself from crying. If I cried now, my stitches would tear, and the scars would be ripped wide open. I didn't need that right now. But I couldn't stand it. The pain, the stress of the moment, it all led to me letting out a big sob, and I felt a searing pain on my face as my scars tore open, and blood poured down my face. My crying only worsened, as did the pain, and by the time the firefighters had torn off the door and dragged me out, I was a sobbing mess on the floor, soaked in blood and gasping for air.

The guy from the window wiped at my face, and I found myself reaching out to his hand. I didn't know him, I just needed comfort right now. I was wheeled into the back of an ambulance, still crying and bleeding a lot. I knew I had to stay strong. Kazuki needed me to be strong for him....

I managed to fight the agonising pain and stop myself from crying, but the damage was done. I couldn't see for the blood in my eye, and the scars just kept on bleeding. I found myself getting a little lightheaded, before I drifted into unconsciousness once again.

Kenma Kozume

"Hello? Is that Mr Kozume?"

"Yes, who is it? Why are you on Kuroo's phone?"

"We need you to come to the hospital, Mr Kozume, regarding Mr Kuroo...."

"Holy shit...yeah I'll be right there. Should I bring his son?"

"If you have time. How old?"


"....fuck..." the guy who I assumed was a doctor said, and I hung up, dashing out of my bedroom.

"Lev, get your lazy ass out of bed and drive me to the hospital!"

"The hospital?"

"Did I stutter? I need to be quick!"

"Ok, alright..." he said, not asking any more questions. I'd assumed that Kazuki would be with his grandparents, and had remembered discussing where they lived with Kuroo a while ago, so directed Lev there.

Knocking on the door, it was Kazuki that answered. He was happy to see me, so I guessed he didn't know anything was up.

"Heya Kaz. Are your grandparents here, can I speak with them?"

And so, when Kuroo's parents came through, I told them everything I'd been told so far. They quickly scooped up a couple of things and got into their car. Kazuki chose to ride with me and Lev, probably not totally sure what was going on. Holy fuck, I hope it isn't bad...

We arrived at the hospital, and were directed to Kuroo's room. His parents said that I should probably go in with Kazuki first, and I did. I hadn't told them we'd been on a couple of dates, but I think they'd figured it out.

I opened the door, and was surprised to see Kuroo awake in the bed. But...he looked a little different. A large surgical eyepatch was over his right eye, and a massive cast surrounded his left leg. I walked Kazuki over to his bedside for them to talk, and silently supported both of them as Kazuki started crying. I knew Kuroo was doing his best to keep a brave face on for his kid, but his shaky eyes told me that he was scared. I figured he'd been told something. Kazuki eventually went outside to his grandparents, and I had a minute alone with Kuroo.

"T-they told me...I've lost my eye...and I..I might lose my leg, they don't know yet..."

"Holy shit..." I said, and he finally broke down. Sobbing deeply into my chest as I clutched his head against me.

"I fucking made him cry, Kenma.."

"No no no no no, this wasn't your fault! And Kazuki doesn't blame you, he's just...scared, you know?

"..I'm scared too..."

"It's ok, it's ok. I'm here, I'm not leaving, and neither is Kazuki. We're both staying right with you, ok~?"

"E-even if I lose a leg?"

"Kuroo, I'd push  you fucking everywhere if I had to, I'm not leaving."

"I...I hope you don't have to..."

"I won't, trust me. Because you are fucking strong as hell, and you will get through this. And on Tuesday night, me, you, Kazuki, and Jack are having a night in watching movies, and eating fucking pizza, yes?"

"...absolutely..thank you....I love you..."

"I love you too Kuroo. Now rest up, I'll get your parents in."


"I'll see you in a little...Tetsurou"

And I left him there in the room, as his parents went in to see him. Kazuki sat with me, holding my hand tightly. I saw a couple of tears in his eyes, and knelt down in front of him.

"Hey, Kazuki. Your daddy is the strongest, toughest man out there, ok? He's going to be absolutely fine, and things will be normal again, ok?"

I wiped the tears from his eyes after he nodded at me, and held my arms out to him. He gave me a big hug as I crouched next to him, and we stayed there for a while, his tears wetting my shoulder a little. I sat on the floor against the wall, and Kaz cuddled into my chest. When his grandparents re-emerged, they saw him resting on me and smiled down, both a little teary-eyed themselves. I picked Kazuki up to his feet, and stood next to them, before they both pulled us into a big hug. It was...strange, but not a bad thing at all.

After all, I'd just told Tetsurou that I loved him, so I guess I was his boyfriend officially now, right? Not exactly how I'd planned to meet his parents, but that can't be helped. It pained me to see how he'd tried not to cry in front of Kazuki, and had broken down when he'd left. It showed just how strong he was, that he kept up that happy facade when he was in so much pain, all for his son

He really is the best daddy ever

I told you, we don't do simple stories!

Fact of the Day: writing about Kazuki crying genuinely made me upset 😖

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