Chapter 9: christmas cheer

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CW // the ruining of Christmas magic

Tetsurou Kuroo

"Bud? You ready to go?"

"Yeah, coming!"

It was time for our Christmas Eve cinema trip. It turned out it was a double bill of the first two Home Alone films, not just the first one! They were the only good movies, so I was happy with that, and Kazuki hadn't ever seen them, so he was excited too.

We decided to dress up for the occasion, him donning a little Santa outfit, and myself a large reindeer onesie. It was so comfy, and I'd be embarrassed to be seen in it without Kaz next to me, but if he was there, it didn't matter. We were out to have fun, after all!

It wasn't a pleasant Christmas Eve weather wise, so I decided to drive to the cinema. We wouldn't usually, but it was in the interest of safety. I wanted Kazuki to be nice and warm as well, given we both had pretty thin clothing on.

Walking into the cinema with about ten minutes to spare, I sent Kazuki to get a few snacks he wanted while I approached Kenma, who was gawking at me in the onesie.

"Hey there Prancer.."

"...shut up, I'm cold."

"You're right, your nose is a little red....Rudolph!"

"...should've known..."

"Don't worry, it's adorable! Those little antlers of yours fit, they should be permanent.."

"...thanks. Did you see Kaz?"

"I did, yeah. He looks great too!"

"Sweet. It was his idea, so..."

"How adorable. So is it the "home alone's" today?"

"Yeah, we pre-booked tickets, so we're just getting snacks. And with that...can I get two chocolate milkshakes?"

"Coming right up~"

Shortly after, he handed me the milkshakes, and I said "thanks. You off Tuesday, yeah?"

"I most certainly am, why?"

"Pizza night? With movies?"

"Absolutely, I'll get the bus over! Does Kaz get his...special present tomorrow?"

"Yeah, the...thing is over at Bo's place. He's gonna love it, I'm so excited!"

"That reminds me, how did those job interviews go?"

"I got the hotel job! I'm starting next Monday, so I've still got one week at my old work. I gave notice yesterday and they said one week was enough, so I'm nearly free!"

"Amazing! Is it just those snacks?" He said as Kazuki came over with a couple of bags. I grabbed something for myself and added it to the pile, and Kenma totalled it up. I payed him, and just before we walked into the screen, I kissed his cheek over the counter. There was no one else in the lobby, so I just thought fuck it, why not!

As I sat down in the screen with Kazuki, he started giggling. I sent him a curious look, and went "daddy's got a boyfriend~" in a sing-song-y voice. My face went incredibly hot, and I tickled him mercilessly until I was satisfied.

"He's not my boyfriend...but hopefully he will be soon."

"I like him, he's fun! Make him your boyfriend daddy, please!"

"Ok, Kaz. I'll try. Be quiet now, there's other people here, remember!"

"Ok..." he said, before hugging tightly into me from his seat. I held him close to me, and found myself wishing that Kenma was on the other side of him, held close to me as well. Knowing that Kazuki liked him felt like a hell of a relief, and I felt suddenly more confident about the whole thing.

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