Chapter 8: daddy's friend

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Kenma Kozume



I'm not doing this
again !!

What is it Kenma

Impromptu date with

What? Why?

Roommate has a hookup,
I ain't staying here..



Ok, he
bringing the kid?

Yeah, I think so

That'll be good.
Hopefully the kid
likes you !!

Yeah, hope so. If he's
anything like his father,
then he will...

He seemed sweet enough,
but those are the devils,
Kenma! They catch
you out when you least
expect it!

Ok, Shoyo...😅

Don't laugh at me 😤

I'm not laughing, I'm just
exhaling with amusement



"Lev! I'm going out. Be done with them by the time I'm back, or I'll kick you both out. It won't matter how clothed you are either."


With that, I closed the door and sauntered out of the apartment in a relatively smart suit and tie. I was quite happy when he said formal wear, since he seemed the type to look fucking amazing in a suit. Plus, Kazuki, his son, was coming, so I was really exited to meet him too! Everything was going so well at the moment!

I saw the familiar car pull up, and Kuroo got out of the driver side seat. He opened the door to let Kazuki out as well, before they strolled hand in hand towards me. I noticed then that Kazuki had his own little mini suit on, and I swear I just wanted to give him a massive hug and tell him how adorable he was.

"Hey Kenma. Good to see you again so soon~" Kuroo said in my ear as he hugged me. Once he'd finished, he introduced Kazuki to me

"Kazuki, this is Kenma. He'll be with us for dinner today, ok?"

"Hello mister!" Kazuki said to me, and I just smiled and shook the little hand he had extended to me.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you Kazuki. Your dad has been telling me loads of things about you!"

"Oh cool!"

"Yeah! And you can tell me some things yourself when we get to dinner...!"

Kazuki beamed up at me, and I smiled back, before Kuroo said "right, shall we?" gesturing to the car. I nodded, walking alongside Kazuki, him between myself and Kuroo. Once we were in the car, I started chatting with Kazuki, him telling me a bunch of stories from school, stuff about his party a couple of weeks ago, and even that him and Kuroo had just been swimming. It was impure of me to imagine the kid's father in a swimsuit, but I did so anyway, shameless and proud.

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