Chapter 6: coffee, two of

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Tetsurou Kuroo

Alright, it's time. I'd dropped Kazuki off at Bokuto's, giving Akaashi a little "get involved!" look, and was now driving to Kenma's. He stayed at a dorm, so I waited just outside the campus, so I didn't look like a weirdo. I waved at him as he approached, and he came over and got in the car.

"So, where to?"

"It's a few minutes away, I'll direct you as we go"


It was kinda awkward, starting out like this, but I felt quite relaxed. Kenma had a very chilled out demeanour, which was comforting right now. Our journey to the café was quiet, save for Kenma's directions, and it was only once we were seated that we began a conversation.

"So, was work yesterday?"

"Ok. Mondays are quiet, it turns out, so I only served about five people all afternoon."

"That's cool, gives you an easy-ish day"

"Yeah. What about you, what did you and Kazuki get up to?"

"We spent a little time playing hide and seek, then watched a little tv together. I...actually spent the evening looking for a new job.."

"Oh? Find anything you fancy?"

"Yeah, I applied for a couple, both of them night jobs. I want more time with Kaz, since he barely sees me all week usually, with my job."

"That's incredibly admirable..."

"Thanks, it's all for him. So anyway, I've got interviews with both a convenience store and a hotel tomorrow morning."

"They both sound pretty cool. Got a preference?"

"I'd rather do the hotel, since the hours are shorter, but I think the store is more likely to take me.."

"Why's that?"

"I just didn't think a hotel would want some rough-looking guy to be the first person a guest saw when they walked in."

"Oh....but your smile would surely be the first thing they saw, right?" he said, and I chucked a bit at the sweetness of it.

"Unfortunately, not everyone sees me smiling first, so they kinda have to look at the scars..."

" be honest, they're pretty badass if you ask me. It might be wrong to say, but you look damn cool with them.."

"...I like your honesty, thank you. They remind me of a pretty rough time, but...yeah, I guess they're pretty cool."

"And if anyone judges you for them, lemme know. I'll have Treacle ready to pounce."


"Oh, right! My cat..."

"Awww, I love cats! Bokuto used to always say I looked like one, and it annoyed me, but still!"

"Do you have one?"

"No, buuuuut...I've got Kazuki a puppy for Christmas..."

"Wow, that's an investment and a half. You sure you could manage it?"

"Sure, especially if I'm working nights. It'll keep him company, which'll also give them bonding time. I'm sure Kaz will be over the moon too, so that's all I need."

"I guess so..."

A waitress came over to get our order. Turns out we're both really boring with coffee, and got two lattes. I also ordered a single slice of vanilla sponge, and two spoons. It was a small gesture, but this was a first date, after all. Something had to happen!

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