Finale: good as new

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Tetsurou Kuroo

The next day and a half passed as expected. Slowly, painfully slowly. The doctors had determined that I could keep my leg, and would be in a wheelchairs for the next couple of months or so. During that time, it was decided that Kenma would move in with me and Kazuki, to help me out. He's so amazing, I swear...

Speaking of Kenma, him and Kazuki were here now, in the back of my parents' car with me as they drove me home. I'd found out that the other driver who'd hit me had been killed in the accident, and it also turned out that they'd jumped a red light. Cocaine was found all over his car, and I was cleared immediately of any wrongdoing. It was a shame for the guy, but he was stupid for doing it, regardless of what you think.

Kenma helped get me in my wheelchair from the car, and wheeled me inside. The pup was with Bokuto, and him and Akaashi were coming over tomorrow to see me. But for now, I was in front of the tv, with Kenma and Kazuki, ordering pizza for the night together we all so desperately needed. It was weird only having one eye to see out of, and I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to the feeling of it not being there at all, but that was just how it was. My scars had been re-stitched, much better this time. I was told that nothing would tear them now, which was an incredible relief for me.

I still felt bad about the fact that Kazuki had been so incredibly upset when he saw me, but he was his usual self again now, cuddled up to Kenma on the couch. Oh how I longed to be there with them....but it was nice that it was just them as well. Kazuki seemed to really like Kenma, and Kenma was excellent with him too. He'd been telling him that they could go swimming, go to the zoo, and do all sorts of things together. And then, when I was all better, we could do them all again as a trio. Kazuki had really liked that idea, hence the reason they were cuddled up as Moana started.

It had been a Christmas to remember, that's as much as I can say. Not for all the right reasons, but there were some pretty high highs along the way. The highest was meeting Kenma. His smile, the cute nonchalance he carried, his undecided was all beautiful. And him cuddled up to my son on the couch was the most beautiful thing of all. My two favourite things in life, together at last.

The pizza came shortly after, and I took a picture of the two of them eating. Kazuki pulled a funny face while Kenma just rolled his eyes dramatically. The picture was wonderful, it had everything I needed in life in it. Kenma, Kazuki, food and air. Fuck water, I'm being cute here!

I was so happy with my boys. They were everything. They were cute, they were kind, they were sweet...

Sweet like, not the salty stuff!

This is ending waaaaay sooner than I'd planned, but I felt like it ran out of steam, so I had to accelerate when I wanted the car crash to happen. Again, sorry it's ended so soon, but I wanted to give you some kind of ending instead of just discontinuing it...

Thank you so much for reading this !! It means a lot to me 🖤

Fact of the Day: you are beautiful 😘

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