Chapter 7: flipped

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Tetsurou Kuroo

"Good morning Mr Kuroo, thanks for coming"

"It's a pleasure, Mr Nakatomi, really"

"Now then...let's get to it shall we? Why is it that you want this job?"

" current job has me out of the house a lot, and my son doesn't get to see me much during the week, so I wanted a night time position so I could spend more time with him.."

"I his mother not around?"

Ok, a little bit personal for an interview...

"No, it's just me and him"

"I see...listen, Mr Kuroo, I'll be frank with you. do I put this...we're not going to be taking you on for the job at our shop..."

".....the scars?"

"'m sorry, Mr Kuroo. You aren't quite what we're looking for."


Walking out of the back of the convenience store, I stormed my way out of it and went to sit in my car. I felt like crying. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. Because it would cover me in blood from the scars, and I'd look a mess for my next interview at the hotel.

This was the interview that I'd expected to go the best! I was totally hopeless for this next interview, and I knew it. I considered just calling the whole thing off and going home to cry in my bed. It wasn't even as if mr Nakatomi had been that rude, it was My face, my scars.

I could never escape the reality that people saw them first. It was a burden I was eternally stuck with, thanks to my past decisions. I refused to call being with Yumi a mistake, because I was given Kazuki by her, but everything else was horrible.

Yumi had given me these scars. Yumi had cost me that job. But she would never feel the consequences of that. Sure, she was in prison, under strict watch, but she didn't suffer the consequences of the outside world. She could live with what happened, yet it impacted me every single day.

Now I was close to crying. I'd been sat in the car not moving for a while now, and I needed to get going to make my next interview. But I felt like shit for it. I'd been pretty excited for the first one, but pulling up to the hotel now had me very worried.

The lady that greeted me seemed nice. She introduced herself as Mrs Tanizaki, but insisted on being known as Naomi. She also referred to me simply as Kuroo, not bothering with the formalities, which I liked. It was calming.

"So Kuroo, we can see that you currently work full time during the day. Is there a particular reason for changing to a later shift?"

"I have a young son, and I want a little more time with him in the day."

"Oh how lovely! Right, well, could you describe yourself in three words for me."

I did as such, my confidence building. This interview was lasting significantly longer, and Naomi had never once mentioned the scars on my face.

It was wrapped up not too long after, and she said "thanks for coming, we'll get back with you tomorrow morning with some news."

"Thank you, I look forward to it." I said with a polite smile. I was genuinely looking forward to it, and thought I might have an outside chance of getting the job.

Getting to my parents to collect Kazuki was a relief, and I sat down with a cup of tea and discussed a few things with my mother while Kazuki and his granddad played.

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