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February 6, 2015
We got there overnight and I was tired but that would change when I had some energy drinks. I held Copeland as my band and Pierce The Veil's walked in silence.
"So what songs are you playing, Pierce The Veil?" I said, trying to break the weird silence.
Vic looked at me, "We're playing 'Hold On 'Till May', 'Bulls In The Bronx', 'I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket', and some more songs from Collide With The Sky." He was talking about their 2013 album. "What about you guys?"
"Uh, 'Low', 'If You Can't Hang', 'We Like It Loud', 'Kick Me', 'Let's Cheer To This', and songs from Feel." That was our 2013 album.
Vic smiled, "Nice yo. Beartooth is opening for us. I fucking love them."
Beartooth was a hardcore band and they have Caleb Shomo from Attack! Attack! And I really didn't like that band much but Beartooth was a different story.
"Me too." I said, quietly. Jack, Mike, and Gabe were talking to each other about something that was on the internet, and Nick, Jaime, and Tony were arguing about something, it didn't look too serious.
"We have some awesome band mates." I told Vic.
Vic smiled, "We sure do." I handed him Copeland, she wanted to play Vic. Copeland had Vic's hair in her hands and Vic was shocked when she yanked his hair. He started laughing and held Cope high, spinning her around. She was giggling.
I sighed, relieved that I got away from Kate. Dammit, I'd have to go back to her someday. I cringed at the thought.
Vic looked at me, "Let's warm up our voices, yeah?" I nodded as we did some vocal exercises. We made it to our stage as we set up Pierce The Veil's stuff. Some fans were standing around, watching us set up. I waved at a group of girls and they waved back, smiling really hard. God being "sexy" was sort of tiring, dealing with all these fangirls ya' know? Probably not..

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