02 ⚓

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, beeping for the sixth time. I smacked the snooze button and got up, stretching. I spent the night over my mother's house, since my car broke down the day before today.

"Honey, get up! You're going to be late!" My mother called me from downstairs. I groaned, removing myself from bed. I had to go to my family's reunion. The clock read 9:10 AM. I had 30 minutes to get dressed. I opened the doors to my closet and took out some casual clothes, a band tee and skinny jeans with rips at the knees. 

I went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. I brushed my teeth, fixed my auburn hair, and threw my clothes on. The band tee was from a band called We Are The In Crowd. 

I went down the steps and walked into the living room where my mom, in her elegant dress, stood.

"Honey, where's your dress?" She asked me.

I shrugged, "I have no clue. THIS is better, though." I pointed to myself. I was much of the tomboy. I hated wearing dresses, I hated all that girly stuff. 

She shook her head, "Why? Did you not like the dress?"

I sighed, "Mom. You know that I hate dresses."

My mother tried to bribe me, "Come on, Kell. I'll get you that new band merch you were telling me over and over about." 

I shook my head, "I already got it from Hot Topic yesterday, remember? PLUS I'm an adult and I could get it for myself if I hadn't had it already." 

She threw her hands up, giving up the fight, "Fine." She threw me the keys, "Get in the car, I'll be there in 10." 

I smiled, walking down the steps to the front door, "You look lovely!" 

I waited in the Mustang, my mother's car. It belonged to my father, but he gave it to her. She hated it and wanted to throw it away, but I begged her to keep it. I loved this car. She wouldn't give it to me, which was so unfair.

I slid the screen of my Galaxy S5, after getting a text message. It was from Derek, my boyfriend, and it went like this for about 8 minutes.

Derek: Hey, babe.

Me: Hey dude <3

Derek: Where are you?

Me: Um, I'm with my mom. We're going to my family reunion.

Derek: Oh, so you still want to come over tomorrow night?

Me: Yeah sure. Oh here's my mother. We're off! Bye! <3

Derek: Cya, babe <3

My mother walked into the car, "You ready, Kelly?" 

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready mother."

She turned the key into the ignition, "Off we go!"


So that was the second chapter! It was a bit short, but I plan for all my chapters to be shorter than 800 words (For the sake of time).

So I'm guessing, you're bored. Ha-ha. I get that a lot xD 

Well if you enjoyed; leave some feedback, vote, and add to your library!

Thankies guise! <3

All My Heart; kellinWhere stories live. Discover now