05 ⚓

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I sat in silence, I had too much on my mind. I stared at the eggs on the plate. I started to randomly question all the things that I've done; like how do I wake up everyday and walk out the door but always come back through that door? I lowered my eyes, ashamed at myself for even thinking things like that. I mean, how could I? It wasn't fair to Copeland. Cope. That's what's holding me back, that's what's keeping me there in "hell". I put my head down in my hands, giving up.

"Kellin?" A voice brought me back into reality. I looked at Kelly.

"What's up, sugar?" I asked, trying to keep my cool. Kelly cocked an eyebrow, staring at me confused.

"You're not eating, what's wrong?" Kelly asked me. She frowned, "You don't like my food?"

I laughed, "Don't be ridiculous. I love it, but I just got things on my mind." I looked back down at the food and shoved a forkful of eggs in my mouth. She just looked at me and I kept that fake smile plastered on my face.

I left Kelly's after three hours of silence. I dialed Justin. Justin picked up on the third ring.

"Keeeeeeeeellin!" Justin answered. "What's up, yo?" 

"Can you come pick me up?" I asked him. I didn't feel like driving home alone.

"Ah, sure. Where at Kell?" He asked me. 

I gave him the place and ended the call. I sat on the curb, waiting for him to arrive. I let my mind wander and it went straight to Copeland. Agh, I just feel so bad for leaving her there with Katelynn. I felt like shit at the moment. Justin honked his horn, catching my attention from down the block. I ran over to his car. A Shelby Mustang GT500, it was a grey color and it was stunning. 

"Hey, Kellin. How's life?" He asked.

"Shitty, just fucking shitty." I was pissed off now. Mostly at myself.

"Whoa, dial the Kellin meter back a couple dials," he said, concerned. 

"Okay, I'm sorry Justin. Drop me off at Vic's?" Vic was the lead singer of a band name Pierce The Veil.


We pulled up to Vic's summer home. I rang his doorbell and he popped up.

"Kellin! It's been a while!" He cheerfully hugged me. "Come in, come in." 

I looked back for Justin but he was already speeding away. He honked a couple times before leaving my sight. 

I looked at Vic. He was fucking hot and if I was gay, I'd totally go for him. "Hey, you sexy mexican. What's up?" 

Vic smiled, blushing, "I am not sexy! But yeah dude, I'm cool. Hey, are you ready for Friday's show?" That was three days away.

I laughed, "Yeah, are you?" 

Vic shrugged, "I guess so. We're soo fucking stoked!" He slung an arm around me, "Come on, let's go in the den with the others."

I walked into the large den and saw Jaime, Mike, and Tony. "What's up guys?!"

They all raised a fist, "Yooooo!" 

I smiled, "What are you guys working on?" 

Tony smiled, "Our intro. Now shush." 

Vic ran to the mic, "ARE YOU READY LONDON?!" He looked at me, "How was that?"

I shrugged, "It was alright, I guess. Let me try." I walked up to the mic.


Vic laughed, "Awesome, awesome. I'm so stealing that." 

I smiled, "Nope cos I just copyrighted it!"

Vic looked at me, confused, "Since when?!"

I jumped into the couch, "Just now." 

Vic laughed, "You fucker!" I jumped on the couch, sitting on me.

I gagged, "Hey! Get off me fat ass!" He laughed.

"Alright, but let me use that, okay?" 


"YAAAAAAAY!" Vic yelled. He ran to the mic.


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