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Me and my band setted up behind the closed curtains.
Jack tapped my shoulder, "Hey don't look now but Kate's here.." I looked back. Kate? Oh fuck..
"Kells! You fucking faggot! Where is Cope?" She hollered at me.
"Fuck you Kate! I'm not telling you! So fuck off!" I screamed back at her. She winced, it was the first time I yelled back. I was tired of being screamed at and being a bitch about it.
"Kellin..." In her eyes, I saw the 17 year old version of her, but that went away and was replaced with the now-her. "I know where she is! Probably in Vic's arms. You stupid cunt!" She marched off, to find Vic.
I shot Vic a text, telling him not to give Cope to Kate. He shot one back, saying he was gonna hide so she couldn't see him. I let out a relieved breath.
The fans must've heard me and Kate screaming and were chanting: "If you can't hang then, there's the door baby!" A lyric from 'If You Can't Hang'. They were right...
"You're all fucking right! HEY KATE! THIS SONG IS TO YOU!" I screamed.
I sang 'If You Can't Hang' with all my heart. "GET THE FUCKING MESSAGE, KATE! WE'RE. THROUGH!" I screamed after finishing the song. I saw Kate in the audience and I stared at her for awhile, I saw the teenager that I fell in love with and my face fell. I shook my head and wiped the sweat from my forehead. "I MEANT IT, BITCH!" I got the crowd all riled up.

All My Heart; kellinWhere stories live. Discover now