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Vic drove me home that night because I don't like being alone.

"Vic, can I tell you something?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah Kells, what's up?" Vic said, stopping at a red light.

"Don't tell anyone but I hate my wife."

Vic pushed the gas pedal as the light changed to green, "Of course, every husband should feel that way sometimes."

I shook my head, "No, I want to leave her so badly."

Vic stopped smiling and frowned, "Why? She's great dude!"

"Yeah so she seems..."

We pulled up to my house and Vic nodded.

"Alrightyy, I'll come and get you in the morning so we can fly to London, okayy?" He hugged me and I smiled.

"Bye Vicyy!"

"Bye Kellyyyy!" Oops, just like Kelly.

I walked into the house and was greeted with a slap across my face. It left a sting.

"Oww, what the hell?!" I almost shouted.

"Where the fuck have you been Kell? I had to watch this little shit all day." Katelynn motioned to Cope.

I smiled and picked up Cope.

"My baby girl is an angel!" I kissed her forehead and Copeland giggled.

"'My'?" She repeated.

I pretended not to hear her, "I'm off to bed, I gotta get up early for Vic." I trudged off to the bathroom and turned the shower on.

As I hopped into bed that night, I thought about how I was going to leave Cope here with my "ratchet" wife. I had a plan.

I woke up at 5 and showered. I crept up to Cope's room and picked up my sleeping angel.

"You're safe now."

I left a note a note saying that I took Cope with me to London. I walked out to meet Vic along with his band members and mine.

All My Heart; kellinWhere stories live. Discover now