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The male walked over, his age, I guessed, was around 26. He smiled at me. His smile was gorgeous. "Hey I love your band shirt."

I slyly smiled back, "Thanks. Your shirt is awesome."

Penny stared at him, "You look familiar. Do you sing for a band?"

He looked at Penny for the first time, "I do actually. Ever heard of Sleeping With Sirens?" 

Penelope gasped, clasping her hand over her mouth. She couldn't speak for a while. Finally, "Omergosh! YOU'RE KELLIN QUINN!"

The man, Kellin, grinned at her, "Yes, your's truly."

I had no idea who he was. "I never heard of Sleeping With Sirens."

Kellin laughed, "I get that a lot. Here, it's on me." He gave me a album named, 'With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear'.

I drove home that night, playing Kellin's band songs. The first track was 'If I'm James Dean Then You're Audrey Hepburn'. It was a good song, admittedly. For some reason, I felt myself thinking about Kellin. I just couldn't stop. I laid in my bed, I couldn't get him out of my head. I dreamt of him that night.

The next morning, I got up out of my bed and walked downstairs and sat at the table. I sat for a while then realized that I was an adult and I have to cook for myself. I got up, laughing. The doorbell rang.

I opened it and gasped, it was Penny and Kellin. "What are you guys doing here?" 

Penny grinned, "Um, Kellin wanted to come over and have breakfast with you and me. Isn't that sweet?" She nudged me. 

I shrugged, "Sure, I was going to cook some waffles and bacon." I looked outside before closing the door.  

"Who's them?"

Kellin looked back, "Oh they're the flash mob. Beat it!" They ran away. Laughing, he sat down next to Penny, "So what's for breakfast?"

All My Heart; kellinWhere stories live. Discover now