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It was 11:36 PM, close to midnight. I was waiting for the year to end and that 2015 would eventually arrive. My band, Sleeping With Sirens, were expecting this to be our big year. We released a couple new singles and by Feburary, we'd have our newest album. We haven't decided on a name for it yet, but we'd get there once we crossed that bridge. 

"Hey, Kell. Where's those nachos?" Justin, our bass guitar, asked me. "Like seriously. I need those fucking nachos."

I laughed, "Hang on, Justin."

Justin sighed, plopping down on the red couch. "Alright."

I walked into the kitchen, laying eyes on my wife. "Hey, Kate. Could you fix the boys some nachos?"

"Sure thing, hun." She smiled, then she called, "You boys want anything on these nachos?"

Jack, our lead guitar, called out in response, "PEPPERS! LOTS!" 

All the boys started to argue. I heard Gabe's, our drums guy, voice, "No! I hate peppers!"

Jack fired back, "Well then don't eat them!" 

I sighed, walking into the living room. "How about you guys just get seperate plates?"

Everyone nodded in unison. "Yeah that works for us."

As we ate, the time read 11:58 PM. We crowded around my flat screen as we waited for the next day to come.

Gabe fiddled with Justin's shoelaces. Justin kicked his hand away, "Stop that, Gabe. "

Gabe pulled back, "Sowwy, I'm just so fucking nervous."

I laughed, "I wished Jess was here."

Jack nodded, "So do I."

Justin raised a finger, catching our attention. "He said that he'd be here on our next tour date." He was referring to our newest tour with Pierce The Veil.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded. "That's awesome."

The tv started to count down, "10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5......"

We started cheering and hugging each other. It was 2015.



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