.....His solely....

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Note : A request to my readers to be patient with the updates . I am a class 12th student ,so studies are my first priority ,plus I am also doing certain courses which would be fruitful for my career . I have got my half yearlies from 12th September ,so I will be updating slowly till it gets over .
But after that ,I would be back at my normal separation between the chapters. Till then bear with me and today's chapter is bit long ,so read it Patiently and don't forget to vote and type down your comments 🙌😊


Ridhimma and vansh broke the eye lock and sensing her embarrassment ,he made her sit to study . After studying for hours ,he asks her to get back at her home .

Ridhimma frowned at his wordings as it was just the start of day for her but didn't dared to question him .

"I will inform Miss D'Souza about it", Angre will drop you and directly go to your home ,lock it from inside , and you will get your lunch present their .
Am I clear ???", Vansh said in a go.

Ridhimma nodded as she too wanted to leave the place ,after such an awkward incident. Hooking her handbag on her shoulder,she dashed outside his room and getting down of the stairs ,she exited the mansion .

Vansh came out of his room ,and saw her running out of the mansion hastily. He closed his eyes and remembered the moment of their closeness a while ago.


She was close to me !!!! She was freaking close to me !! Ahh!!!

I could still feel her presence on my body . How beautiful she is ???
So soft ....eyes filled with innocence and love .

Sometimes, I feel that an angel like her doesn't deserve a monster like me.
The one whose eyes hold so much goodness that it can even burn the worst into ashes .

And only I have the right to look deep into her orbs , even if I would have to get burnt Everytime she blinks , looking at me.


Ridhimma reached her colony , and found the locals of her colony gatherered around her house.
She frowned and walked towards them . Her footsteps caught the attention of the locals . Ridhimma sensed a different vibe from them as they were eyeing her cursefully.

Shrugging her negative thoughts, she passed a soft smile to them but the locals ,instead of reciprocating it started whispering among each other.

Ridhimma found the situation to be not alright ,and to prevent her curiousity ,she stated ," What happened, uncle and aunty ??", Any problem!!!!

Ridhimma questioned by forwarding a liitle towards ,until a lady in her mid 30's pushed her harshly on the ground . Ridhimma fell on the pebbled floor with a thud sound !!.
Her forehead hitted with the ground, making her precious fluid oozing out of it . Wincing in pain ,she lifted her upper body ,while caressing her head with her hands . She turned her face towards the locals who had a furious and disgusted look on their face .
Tears brimmed in her eyes ,as she opened her mouth to protest , but another lady among the locals caught her with her hair tightly and lifted her up .

"Shameless girl!!! Don't you feel a bit of shame in doing shitty things"!!!huhh!!! , The lady snapped tightening her grip on ridhimma's hair making her tears fell down her cheeks .

"We couldn't believe that behind her sweet and innocent face , she had concealed a bitchy one ", A man in her late 40's snapped .

"Huhh!! Sweet and innocent!! She ana  her aunt were never like this . They just pretended to be good and sober .
Behind their benevolent face ,they had hidden their filthy acts ,which are revealed now .!!!

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