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"Ridhima,I remember we have talked about it earlier and I have said it a lot of times that you are not going to college . Why are you repeating the same question again and again ?", Vansh said irritably . But no sooner he calmed himself when he saw ridhima's sad face . He gently held her hand and made her sit on the bed ,
"My baby ,you don't need to study anymore . Why do you want to go to college , Han ?".

"Vansh , I always had a dream to pursue engineering and be a software engineer. I was really good at maths and computers . You know it very well. Remember you used to teach me when I came into this house for the first time ", Ridhima said hopefully to knock some sense in her husband's mind .
"I did that to be close to you . At that time ,i would do anything to keep you in my vincnity. I know you wanted to pursue your career in IT sector but baby you don't need it anymore . And if you want to study engineering,then I can arrange home college sessions for you form the best university of the India . Why do you have to visit college everyday?

"No vansh , please i want to have a real college experience. I never had friends at school. I want to go to college and do stuff ", She was cut in between by vansh who held a  serious express now .

"What stuff . Party, grouping ,hanging out ??? I never knew you had such desires . I thought you were a simple girl . I mean if you like all this ,I will take you to pubs and hotels . You can enjoy with me and ...

"Vansh what is wrong with you ?? Why are you saying all this to me ? Are u upset with me about anything? You never talk to me in such a way .
I meant that it was my dream to be a scholar in college and study in great universities and have a career of my own ", Ridhima said in a sad but a firm tone. Vansh closed his eyes as he realised what he just blurted out in anger . He is not against her studies . It's just that he can't keep her away from his eyes . And that too with so many boys hanging around her . She is naive and what if anyone tried manipulating her ? What if she gets so engrossed in college aura that she forgets me ??? She is too sweet to be left alone ? I have heard a lot of cases of girls being manipulated by some dorks in the college ? And over anything he just can't let her be outside of the mansion for long . He just can't . He doesn't need to explain to anyone why he didn't want to allow her to go to college ? No one can experience the level of obsession he has for his wife .

"Sweetheart, I understand this but Babu you don't need to work . I mean who are you going to work for ?Are you going to work in a company as an employee??
Your husband own billions making companies under his name and you ?
Baby just tell me ? I will name all of my companies under your name ? I...
Ridhima interrupted him again and said " No need of doing that . I want to have my own identity. I was just asking you help to pursue my career but you ?? You are just boasting about your business and aura ?
I was and never attracted to any your ventures and achievements. Vansh, what is wrong if I want to go to college ? I want to have the experience of sitting in physical classes ,make notes and assignments,work on code and get things on my own accord .
Earlier I wanted to do it for helping aunty but a part of me was passionate about it too. I thought you would help me but you are just ....huhh!!!

"I am not boasting about anything ridhi . I know you were never attracted to me or any of my belongings in first place . I know it very well . I will hire tutors for you but I can't let you join college physically. I will call angre to get the best teachers for you and find the best college for your distant education, Saying this he got his mobile out of his pocket to dial angre but was stopped by ridhima who said ",

I don't want any tutors or do distant education. No need to call angre Bhai ". Ridhima got up from the bed to leave but was held by vansh .

"Oh my wife ! Don't be angry at me . I love you so much baby . I can never go against you in anything but please try to understand me too. I just can't leave you alone even for a minute ", he said lovingly looking at her . Ridhima could sense honestly in his words and she has seen it in his behaviour too. This is one of the reasons that she never went to live with aunt for a longer period of time just because he couldn't keep himself away from her . But ridhima was adamant about her this decision. She loved him dearly . And really thought he would help her but he is just too possesive. Ridhima jerked his hand away and left the room in anger . Vansh was astonished at her behaviour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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