Beauty's outburst !!

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Tieing his watch around his left wrist , Vansh ruffled his hands through his hairs to give it a final finish. He turned around from the mirror and his lips curled into a full fledge smile seeing his wife , who was organising his laptop and files . Taking mild steps towards her ,he back hugged her tightly and rested his chin on her right shoulder. He pressed his lips on her ear and whispered softly ," Have a look at me and tell whether I am also organised properly or not !!"
Ridhimma shyly gazed down .

I smirked sensing the goosebumps she got with my touch.  Even after spending marvellously passionate moment with each other , she still shivers and shyies with my  mere touch . Vansh sighed smilingly.
Her his behavior is the only cause of me loosing control on myself.
Oh devil!! I just go crazy seeing the nervousness on her face during our romance. The angelic  innocence in her eyes provokes me to continue being the reason of her blushes and nervousness. I  become harder and harder listening her soft moans and harsh whimpers. I feel both proud and sad seeing red blood bites on her body given by me . I have beautifully marked entire body with my love while she had left the back coarse with her scratches. No complain !! Because I am the sole reason of it. I  smiled.

Turning her towards me ,I pressed our bodies with each other ,enclapsing her waist with my arms . Nuzzling my nose on her cheeks ,I pressed my lips on it .
Muttering "I LOVE YOU" numerous times ,I kept kissing her cheeks .
She giggled softly at my act , delighting my mood . "My beard must be tickling to  her", I thought.
A genuine smile formed on my lips.
I joined our foreheads and but her gaze was still on chest as she was playing with the buttons of my  tuxedo.

"Do you want me to shave my beard as it tickles you, hm?", I asked randomly .But  to my surprise she immediately lifted her gaze at my question and nodded in denial giving me another reason to smile .
"It means she likes my beard!!", Vansh thought as he was jumping from inside like a kid . Naughtily frowning my brows at her ,I whispered huskily in her ear
" Do you like me in beard?". To this ,she lifted her gaze at me but took a moment to bend it down.
"I knew this was coming", Vansh thought within himself sighing .

"If you will say the truth , then only I will have my breakfast today otherwise I will leave without eating anything", Vansh stated showing his fake anger but ridhimma took it seriously. Her aunt had always taught her that a good morning breakfast lifts up the entire mood of the day  and a good start of the day leads to goodness all the while .
She immediately locked her eyes with his and nodded in affirmation , bringing a sweet blush on the Mafia King's face.
"Aww ,my sweetie ", vansh stated embracing her in a hug and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Ridhimma smiled shyly in his embrace while Vansh eyes twinkled in happiness.
Breaking the hug ,he clasped her hands with his and the Mafia Couple exited the room.

Descending down the stairs , the Mafia Couple stood infront of their granny who adored them lovingly.
She gestured anupriya who came near the three with a brass plate ,adorned with holy utensils dedicated to God. Dadi took the"puja thaal" from her hands and handed it to ridhimma ,who reciprocated a sweet smile and forward towards the temple area of the manor . Vansh smiled and followed her behind with other two ladies . He had started praying ,since the time ,his wife had came in his life . He always pray for her safety and good health. Besides,the soulful chant of the religious mantra from his wife ,acts as a rejuvenation for his mind and body .

Ridhimma bended from her waist to keep the brass plate near the God's idol too lighten the Diya but halted on listening someone call from behind .
The Mafia Couple with the other two ladies , moved around to look at the source of the sound . Their faces went pale on seeing Sheena standing against their side , dressed up in a heavy red colour saree with golden work on its side . Her exposed parts were beautifully governed with jewelleries while her face held a strong sense of confidence and glory .
She was actually looking very beautiful!! Passing a smirk to the residents,she went near Dadi and touched her feet ,while she blessed her half heartidly. Getting up ,she passed a smile at her and said ,

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