The king himself.

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Heaven and hell have been at eachothers throats as per usual. It wasn't the first war and something tells Atsumu it won't be the last. Typical demons wanting to take over heaven and raise hellfire upon it and torture innocent angels. Atsumu while sassy and one for back talk was pure,obediant and elegant. His job was always changing. Sometimes he'd be a guardian angel other times he would sort people into heaven or hell. Other other times he would protect their king. Their god. The maker of the peaceful,beautiful place people dreamed it to be. Atsumu was suck up ish to him, he just liked going great lengths to please the person he likes! Don't take that the wrong way i know you all thought it for a mere second. Ahem ahem...anywho then there was Sakusa. The king of the underworld. Stronger than anyone who dared challenge him. While yes he matched the mighty heavens god he saw no reason to take over heaven...they already had more than enough room in hell and god knows how many naive angels end up wandering down there anyhow. And of course they had many MANY souls to torture so he saw no reason....well that was until he realised. "....A wife." He needed a wife..he needed someone to continue the Sakusa bloodline and just another helper in ruling this chaotic mess in general...he mostly means paperwork *cough cough*. A wife a beautiful....pure....perfect....wife. Sakusa needed an angel. Of course news and rumors spread like a wildfire. Who would want to marry a vile man like Kiyoomi?! Atsumu wasn't very phased. Couldn't be him he's a dude. Kiyoomi wants a wife no problems. That was until his annoying twin had to walk up to him..."Aren't you in the slightest worried that the king of hell is coming here to pick a bride and god can't even stop him without a fight?" Osamu said even though his face barely a hint of emotion as it usually did. "What do i have to worry about? He wants a bride. A wifeeee samu. Im a boy. Plus im almost 99% sure the fierce cold-hearted king of the firey pits of hell doesn't swing that way." Osamu blinked and didn't respond causing Atsumu to huff but continue his...well he was mostly just watching mortals as he was on break right now. "Yeah. Can't believe he wants a wife. What for? To do his bidding?" Osamu said clicking his tongue with a hint of malice evident as he hissed during the sentence. 'Pfft...' is all Atsumu could respond with. Though it did make him wonder about the bringer of death. He couldn't really want a wife to love right? He can't love. He has showed zero emotion towards absolute stone hearted man. But he couldn't just want a wife to torture either...he has plenty of souls to do that. So what did he specifically want? It made Atsumu wonder but soon he was snapped out of his thoughts at pure silence and lots of people moving. It was weird for the friendly and loud conversations many angels had with eachother until it dawned on both him and Osamu...he was here...right here right now. Osamu bowed as did everyone else except Atsumu. Osamu scoffed at his stubborn brother and hit his leg eyeing the floor profusely. Atsumu huffed...he didn't wanna show any sorta respect or obedience to that dickwad. Too bad he could kill him if he doesn't. Atsumu sighs and falls down lazily bowing just in time for the king to become completely visible to him. He never got a good look at him even during war as he was always too busy focusing on the war itself. Jet black curly hair to go along with the cold dead black eyes he had. Fancy royal attire,a pure black mask and moles that seemed to stick out to Atsumu.

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