The talk.

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Atsumu and Sakusa sat on the bed staring into eachother's eyes. Sakusa had requested a talk with him for some important matters. "There are some things i need to speak to you about." Atsumu raised a brow and urged him to continue explaining. "Soul bonding." Atsumu wasn't entirely sure what that meant. All he knew was he heard about it and assumed it was a demonic marriage type of contract. Which he was kind of right. "Soul bonding is a invisible bond created by a demon when they leave a mark on you. This mark is done by a branding tool. There's a scent that comes along with it if that makes sense. It leaves the scent of your lover and warns other demons to stay away simply put. When that mark is left your with that person for the rest of your life. Which comes with side effects of course...being left alone for a long period of time,being ignored,and more can lead to intense anxiety and depression in a lover. But...i need you to let me bond with you Atsumu." Atsumu's eyes widened. Bond...? With him...? There's no going back after that...i mean- there isn't any going back anyways. Ever since the night after his newly found marriage he found himself falling for the cold blooded king. He was so sweet and caring for Atsumu that night. It was a side of the cold hearted man he hadn't seen before. That didn't mean that night wasn't....very rough but he won't go into detail. Point being Atsumu for once genuinely hadn't been able to complain about something this big. He's already sinned too many times to ever be forgiven he just hopes he can atleast visit his brother and friends once in awhile...he was a very loyal servant to god and he still is! But he'd never be seen as that again in most eyes. He took a deep breath and exhaled closing his eyes. "Okay." Kiyoomi had to admit his shock. He didn't expect Atsumu to want to do this with him...he expected Atsumu to be angry and complain about it throwing a fuss as usual but he  didn't. He smiled. "I appreciate this more than you think Atsumu. Thank you." Sakusa pressed his lips to Atsumu's forehead running his fingers soothingly through the golden locks. Atsumu leaned into the touch smiling slightly. "When are we doing this Omi?" "Is tomorrow okay with you? I want to give you time to prepare of course darling." Atsumu's cheeks flushed at the name but he nodded. "Thank you Omi. I love ya..." "I love you too my dear."

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