You want WHAT??

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Atsumu was beginning to get a little tired of his daily routine, it was so...plain and always the same! He needed something new...he also still didn't get to spend as much time with Kiyoomi as he had liked so he was pretty lonely. All of Kiyoomi's siblings were always busy too, and Kiyoomi's grandmother couldn't visit him as often. He couldn't actually visit his brother and could only text or call him. So he was basically alone most of the time. Besides Cerberus of course, but he couldn't speak to Atsumu or do much with him...
There were no pets in hell that weren't...some type of abomination. Not including Cerberus! But the entire point is, he was lonely! He wanted to tell his husband, but he didn't want to burden Kiyoomi by staying home more and missing even more of his work. He sighed. Until he a got an idea. It was a long shot but.....

what if they adopted? Yes! That's perfect! Atsumu squealed and jumped up, running to Kiyoomi's office and bursting through the door causing Kiyoomi to jump and sigh when he calmed down. "Atsumu, Love, Darling, My star, Mi amor, Mi vida, many times have i told you not to burst through my door like that? Im gonna spill my ink and have to start all over again!" Kiyoomi complained, taking off his glasses. Atsumu rolled his eyes and smiled in a silly manner. "Ah, yes of course. Apologies Omi. i was thinkinggg..." Atsumu grinned and dragged out the 'g'. "Well that's never good." Kiyoomi snorted and Atsumu huffed, crossing his arms and tapping his foot looking unimpressed. Kiyoomi sweat a little and chuckled nervously. "Of course, go on!" "As i was sayinnggg....i've been a little lonely lately, but i didn't want to burden you...and there's nobody i can communicate with or do anything with! So i've been thinking...we should adopt a kid Omi-Omi!" Atsumu's eyes lit up brightly and Kiyoomi gaped, pupils dialating. Once he composed himself he coughed and stood up. "That's...a pretty serious responsiblity, Atsumu. I wouldn't be able to be around as much and not many kids in hell of all places you. Most kids that don't have parents here learn how to fend for themselves." Atsumu felt his heart drop during that sentence...i mean having a kid or two really seemed...nice despite living in this hellhole. Atsumu wants to imagine seeing his own kid taking their first steps,their first words,watch them meet the love of their life? Everything. He swallowed, and held back his tears, head hung low. Sakusa frowned and felt a painful pang through his heart. "Yeah...maybe your right...sorry i just..." Atsumu didn't finish and walked off. Kiyoomi thought about running after him but...maybe Atsumu needed some space to think about this. He could only hope.

Atsumu himself had decided to take a walk, take a breather. Then he heard a whimper. It was coming from that alleyway...he thought about leaving it alone but curiousity killed the cat. He hesitantly walked into the alleyway and called out, "Hello? Is someone...there?" No answer. He took a deep breath and whipped to look behind the dumpster. He nearly passed out on the spot, breathing stopping. There was a whimpering,crying child. He looked hurt! He was bleeding and had bruises all over...but he could be dangerous...what if this is just an act. But god help him when that child looked up at him with fear filled eyes and tried to scoot back even farther...
He needed to help this boy.
He leaned down and attempted to calm the boy. "Hey hey hey...calm down...i'm not here to hurt you, i won't even touch you or get any closer if you don't want me to...alright?" The boy only shivered, but nodded as the crying seemed to decrease slightly. Atsumu thought for a moment before reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a granola bar. The boy's eyes lit up but he was obviously still cautious. Atsumu put down the granola bar onto the ground and scooted back. The boy hesitantly grabbed it and immediately dug in. Atsumu swallowed thickly, feeling a bit emotional now. The boy was clearly an imp. The lowest class in hell, who usually got treated terribly. And he was obviously no exception. He looked...about 5. But malnourishment tends to make you look younger, so maybe he was wrong but he didn't care right now. Atsumu knew it was a long shot, but he sighed and smiled. "I know, it's probably hard to trust me. You just met me and you've never been shown kindness before...but i want you to come home with me. I live in a castle...a warm, big castle with all the beds, clothing, hot showers, and food you could ever hope for. Would you like to come with me?" The boy looked very nervous but he obviously knew this was life or death, and he might as well take a shot. So he took Atsumu's hand and stood up wobbily. Atsumu's heart shattered, the poor boy could hardly walk! Atsumu picked him up and smiled warmly. Once he had gotten back to the castle the boy gasped in amazement. Atsumu didn't want anyone to see him yet so he quickly snuck into him and Kiyoomi's room. "What's your name sweetheart?" Atsumu asked, and the boy was silent momentarily before speaking, "Kenji." Atsumu nodded and thought for a moment. "Alright, Kenji. Hide under the bed, i'm gonna get you something to eat!" Kenji's eyes sparkled and he nodded eagerly getting into position under the bed. Atsumu called for the servants, who brought him the food he asked for. It was more like a buffet...which was suspicious but the servants paid no mind to it. Once they had left, Kenji sprung out of hiding and ran towards the food but blushed and stopped himself. " thank you for this meal!" Atsumu felt his heart warm up and he simply nodded, giving Kenji the permission to dig in. Once Kenji finished, he was given a bath...after that cleaning out the cuts and bruises. It took forever but it worked! Now he just...needed to explain it to his husband. That wouldn't be so hard...riiiighhhttt?

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