Disturbing News

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He enjoyed the alone time he got with the big castle. He luckily didn't have to see Sakusa as much as everyone had anticipated. He only saw him during morning and night and breakfast,lunch and dinner. Their wedding was only 2 weeks away and it already felt as if time passed by way too quickly for his liking. He did however enjoy talking with Sakusa's eldest sister and their grandmother! They were lovely. Always checking up and defending Atsumu. Shusui was still flirting with him 24/7 despite how many warnings Lord Kiyoomi gave to him. Kaori wasn't very involved in his life and frankly he was fine with that. He sighed in content along with the grandmother taking in that fresh air. They were sitting on a bench viewing the sight of thousands of different flowers spread out all around. "Atsumu may i ask a personal question? If that's alright with you of course!" Atsumu raised a brow but continued on smiling and nodded. "Course' what is it?" He questioned. "How...are you so composed and calm about the wedding?" Their grandmother asked looking slightly concerned. Atsumu raised his brow once again. "Pardon? I don't understand what ya' mean?" This time the grandmother raised a brow and chuckled slightly. "Well y'know! Right after your wedding you and Kiyoomi heading to your room...getting it on. Aren't angels virgins?" Atsumu's eyes widened and he froze. Getting...it on? Virgins? After the wedding?..."...Huh? What do you mean getting it on...?" Their grandmother blushed clearly flustered. "Jeez...do they not teach you anything up in heaven about se-" "No no! I know what sex is...just...what? Why would we...?" Their grandmothers eyes widened in fear and sadness. Atsumu didn't understand why and it was making him nervous. "You....you weren't aware that you and Kiyoomi would...engage in intercourse after your wedding night?" He swallowed thickly throat feeling like closing up as his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. "WHAT?! I-I CAN'T DO THAT! I'm....i-i'm an angel! Pure! A virgin! That would be shameful to the lord!" Atsumu stands up sweating bullets. "Atsumu i'm sorry-" "You know what? Don't!" He ran away despite the yells for him pushing past anyone who got in his way hiding his face. Once he slammed his bedroom door he slid against it immediantely breaking down in sobs and fits. He promised himself to god! To the lord! They couldn't do this to him?! And in two weeks?! This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening. He repeats and repeats and repeats praying it's true...but nothing comes. For the first time nothing happens. He's sure the lord had his reasons and couldn't handle a war because of him but he would've appreciated a little support...advice maybe? But nothing came. He sniffled grabbing his backpack taking out his onigiri plushie and photo album. He got into the comfortable bed hugging the plushie and going through the heartwarming album of him and his twin. Atleast he had this. He still didn't have his actual twin with him...unfortunately. But it was enough and made him feel safe. He went to sleep hugging his plushie that reminded him of his twin. He had to see him again somehow...he just didn't know how or when it would be possible when he's being courted by the lord's worst enemy AKA Lord Kiyoomi. Hell's King with 3 other siblings. Man...fuck his life.

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