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Atsumu has gotten used to the place by now. He has to admit he enjoys the pampering and the pleasant moments he shares with his husband. He's come to learn the demon king is quite literally soft for him. Even his parents are pleasant at times as much as Kiyoomi himself despises them(Aku, in specific.) Except...for this one woman. This ignorant, selfish, disgusting, atrocious-....Anyway. This woman is one of Kiyoomi's maids...used to be one of Kiyoomi's 'Personal Maids'. But as soon as Atsumu came into the picture she was demoted. She was most likely overcome with jealousy. Why? Because well for odd reasons...whenever she's called for Atsumu's needs she always seems to mess up some how. She prepares him ice cold water instead of warm like he asks,she's spilled tea all over Atsumu at one point,she's given him many disrespectful comments that she attempts to cover up,she's even spread a few rumours about him. Of course Kiyoomi noticed this and was enraged but didn't execute her at Atsumu's request. He had to feel bad for this woman. She was thrown away like trash after having the honor of being Kiyoomi's 'personal' maid by some random angel. But there were lines. Lines that happened to be crossed the next morning. It started with Atsumu waking up early to his husband gone for a meeting. He groaned into the pillow snuggling closer into the warmth when he heard the door open. He didn't bother to open his eyes fully as they were heavy lidded but he could tell it was Kiyoomi's ex sexual parter. Belladonna. She had a clearly fake smile plastered on her face as she yanked open the curtains. "It's time to get up, your grace! We wouldn't want the kingdom thinking your lazy now would we?" Atsumu ignored the snarky comment and sighed propping himself up. "Thank you, Belladonna. Please go get me a bowl of warm water to wash my face." Belladonna nodded and bowed heading off. It obviously wasn't going to be warm but Atsumu couldn't afford to care right now. Atsumu got up to look for his phone in confusion, swearing he knew where he put it last night. He scrambled through the entire room as his heart sunk. Just then, Belladonna came through the door and Atsumu sighed of relief as she saw the phone in her hand. "Your grace, i found your-" Then Atsumu's eyes widened as she pretended to trip and drop Atsumu's phone straight into the freezing icy water. He scrambled to get it out attempting to turn it on, nope. He could've swore he saw the look of satisfaction in Belladonna's eyes. His eye twitched,his hand gripped his phone and he was seeing red. Belladonna sweated slightly raising a brow in confusion. That look turned into fear as Atsumu's eyes shined in the sunlight,black wings showing behind him. "Y-YOUR GRAC-" She choked as she was kicked onto her back. "Do not. Call me that. Belladonna. I've held my anger and irritation about you because i am a kind and generous person. An ex angel. A righteous person. But when you destroy the one thing i can contact my brother and friends on? I DON'T let that slide." Atsumu gave no warning as he jumped onto Belladonna clawing,scratching,hitting and doing whatever he could to her. Unfortunately he didn't get to do much as Kiyoomi's family ran to open the door pulling Atsumu off her who was crying and making up lies. Once they were all sat at the dining table Kiyoomi's mother spoke up. "What the hell happened? I want to hear BOTH sides. Belladonna?" Belladonna made a saddened expression that Atsumu knew all to well to be true. "I-i was just getting his grace the water he requested this morning! I found his phone and accidently tripped dropping the phone into the can punish me but i don't think i deserve execution for something like that! It was a honest accident!" Kiyoomi's mother looked over to Atsumu signaling for him to go. "Absolutely not. It's true i asked for water but that trip was most definitely done purposely. I have disregarded this woman giving me ice cold water instead of warm, purposefully spilling things on me, spreading nasty rumours about me, and the backhanded "compliments". She's clearly motivated to have me out of the picture because she was my husband's ex sexual partner." "THAT'S NOT!-" "SILENCE." She screamed. "We will talk to Kiyoomi about this. Belladonna i suggest you await sure death." Belladonna's eyes widened and as Atsumu walked away back to his room he could hear the distant pleads Belladonna was giving. As expected Kiyoomi left the meeting early, outraged and furious. He immediately executed Belladonna viciously. He and Atsumu spooned and cuddled for hours. Atsumu sighed and felt tears well up in his eyes. He could only contact his brother and family with that phone...god won't let the demon couple go up to visit easily. It's "off putting" for the other angels apparently.

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