This Day. Aria.

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Atsumu woke up dreading this day ever since lord Kiyoomi picked him as a wife. Kiyoomi had already waken up to prepare. Sweetly, he let Atsumu sleep in,had a bath ready for him and ordered him breakfast in bed to relax for the morning. It was a very nice gesture and he enjoyed being pampered but it didn't change the fact he was getting married to his worst enemy for the rest of his life...
He sighed knowing if he even tried to go against it he would die. He stretched moaning slightly at the feeling and sighing contently. Though anxiety pooled in his stomach when the butlers and maids stormed in transferring him to the dressing room. They were having a royal banquet wedding. Full of....random...demons he didn't know and the entire Sakusa family...including...his parents that have been off in a whole nother region of hell coming back just to meet Kiyoomi's bride...not bad at all...
He swallowed thickly and was sat down immediately being worked on. By the end of it all he had looked like a goddess. Blush,highlighter,lip gloss and black winged eyeliner. He actually felt very gorgeous. That was until...he was shown the wedding dress. Yes. Dress. Not suit....dress. He blushed as it was put on was...something like this.

It wasn't even white

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It wasn't even white...white was so traditional...

He put on the veil and dangly earrings. He was given his bouquet of flowers full of black and white roses. He turned to face the mirror...he looked more like he was going to a funeral or being married at a funeral. He sighed shakily and walked out. He made his way to the ball room which the wedding was being held at hearing the chatter from across the door. As soon as he walked through the door everything stopped. All eyes were on him including his soon to be husbands. He walked down the isle head slightly down as he stopped stepping infront of his husband and taking one last sigh. He was ready. Even though he most definitely mentally wasn't, he couldn't back out now. After the irrelevent speech they said vows. Atsumu wasn't sure if Sakusa's vows were honest...and he definitely wasn't sure if his own were. Soon the most important decision he had been looking forward to his entire life, only for that to be taken away from him when he realised who he had to marry...
"Kiyoomi Sakusa do you take Miya Atsumu to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
He looked over to Atsumu,
"Do you Miya Atsumu take Kiyoomi Sakusa to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
He hesitated. He did. But now wasn't the time for hesitation.
"I do."
"You may now kiss the bride."
Sakusa dipped Atsumu and lips met lips. Claps and laughter erupted from the crowd. Once they parted Atsumu saw the expectant looks and turned around throwing his bouquet in a random direction. His brother caught it winking at Atsumu as Sakusa slithered a hand around Atsumu's waist glaring. Then came Kimiko and Aku Sakusa. His parents.

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Well...weren't they intimidating. "Well well well! Look at my boy finally settling down! To an angel nonetheless...but i'm happy for you if your happy!" Mr. Sakusa said smiling evilly. Mrs. Sakusa nodded in agreement. "Yes yes now...what's your name darling?" She asked making Atsumu flinch slightly, as he hadn't been listening until Mrs. Sakusa put her hand on his shoulder. "Atsumu...Miya Atsumu miss. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled. "And to you. How delightful you are! I hope you'll be able to keep Kiyoomi in check, he can be quite the chaotic one...he's also known to have a temper." Clearly that irritated Kiyoomi slightly but he kept his mouth shut in slight worry of his mother getting angry. "Oh! We should go try the cake together!" Atsumu smiled and nodded not wanting to be rude being guided with her to try the 3 tier black fondant cake. It was...well turns out most demons don't enjoy sweet half of the cake was...blood and guts and the other was actual cake. It was a nice gesture but the sounds of squishy tearing flesh was unpleasant...
He talked to many demons and the Sakusa family the entire time. Finally midnight came. The wedding ended everyone left. It was...just them. Sakusa picked up Atsumu bridal style. "You look lovely tonight Atsumu. I knew the dress would fit you perfectly. Let's go my dear...we're gonna have a long night." Atsumu blushed but that didn't change the horror he was feeling. There's no way he's ever gonna be able to visit heaven again without being ashamed....

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