Extra Chapter

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Kenji couldn't have been more grateful for the life he's been given. Atsumu really is an angel. Literally! He saw him, barely holding onto a thread for his life and helped him. Kenji doesn't remember the last time a person helped him. He doesn't even remember the last person to show him even a shed of sympathy or pity. But Atsumu did, Atsumu showed him the love he was neglected of his entire childhood. With that, he grew up quite healthy! His grandparents were a little...overkill at times but he still loves them. He could tell his 'mother' Atsumu had been a little hesitant at letting them be so close to Kenji. But even his mother had to grasp the fact that he was still a demon, he still ate humans and participated in a little bit of violence. Not that he did it often to be honest, he was purer than most demons in hell. He really only resorted to violence when needed, when he didn't think it would get him in trouble. He never insulted anybody, not the servants, not even the people that doubted him and gave him dirty looks. His parents took care of most of those people anyway...plus he really hadn't given a single fuck about their opinions. He lived through peril and...well hell. That deserves an award.

In case you also didn't know, even hell has school. Only for the privileged of course. School is for NATURAL demons, demons who were born IN hell. Or the ones that can pay for it, but it's one "hell" of a price. Luckily, Kenji was born in hell. Even if he wasn't...his parents are literally king and queen of the underworld. Kenji has been going to school his entire life. He's in junior year! He can't wait for it all to be over...mostly because the work there is horrible and the teachers are strict as hell. Of course, they treat him with more...caution. They know better than to try anything with him. On the other hand, apparently someone doesn't.

Damien Blaine. He is quite prestigious, very well known. His family are billionares and he was born in hell. Most demons thought he was crazy, flat out stupid for even trying to bully Kenji Sakusa. But...Kenji didn't fight back. Nobody understood why. Kenji can't help it! It's not just one thing! It's multiple. First off, his mother is an angel, an angel that tried to raise him away from chaos and violence. He's practically been taught from adoption that he is to never resort to violence unless absolutely necessary. Absolutely necessary means if Damien was to try and fight him or assault him. Which he had done a few times but...Kenji has been crushing on Damien since eighth grade! If his parents find out about him, especially him BULLYING him since eighth grade? They would destroy him! Probably execute him or his parents...Kenji didn't want that. Yet. So he let it happen. Damien didn't resort to violence often at all and frankly Kenji didn't care anymore. Damien had his own little goons that followed in his footsteps, pussies. They would never come to him alone, not without Damien.

Which brings him to this predicament. He's against the locker and the halls are empty. He's missing class because Damien is blocking his way. "Where do you think your goin' princess? Surely you don't have anywhere that important that you wanna ditch me?" Damien teased, his friends laughing (probably fakely) in the backround, like they did at every little word he says...
Kenji huffed and gripped his books tightly. "It's almost as if i don't have classes, just as you Blaine." Damien snorted, "C'mon princess. You and i both know i could probably pay the teachers to stay quiet and let me skip. You too, right rich boy?" Very hypocritical, considering Damien's parents were extremely wealthy and high in society as the rest of them were. While he was thinking one of Damien's idiots grabbed one of the two books out from his arms, he gasped and scoffed as the demon held it high above his head, dangling it. "Your not fucking serious? Are you five? Give me it you- fucking!" Kenji growled in frustration, if only he were a few inches taller. But then...another one of Damien's friends pushed him back into the locker abruptly. It...didn't really hurt, but it shocked him. "Give it. What have i told you BOTH about doing stupid shit like that? I'm the only one allowed to do that. Fucking idiots.." He shoved the book back into Kenji's hands and glared over to the goons who were flustered. It would've been funny had Kenji not been so shocked in the moment. Damien side eyed Kenji and flicked his forehead, making Kenji growl at him. Which of course only amused Damien further as he grinned lazily, "Yeah, go ahead and get onto class princess. You probably need it, can't even do a spell to grab the book from idiot 1 over here." With that, they all walked away laughing. And of course throughout the day they would go on to trip, humiliate, shame and shout shit at him all day.

Welcome to his highschool life. Where hell somehow gets worse....despite being literal hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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