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The weather was bright as always in the island but people were not that bright especially poyraz. After finding out his one true love has betrayed him his trust in everyone has diminished even more. Haziran came to the island in hopes of making amends and she did in a way through renovating the hotel with Poyraz but she was wrong nothing was or will be the same in this island not after what she did.

Both Poyraz and Haziran were very upset and broken after their last encounter but the fire inside them has just begun. Haziran felt powerful and as she said a warrior that won't give up easily for her quitting was never the answer that is why she tried to help Poyraz in paying his debts through the hotel but still it wasn't enough for him. Poyraz made up his mind on Haziran he will never forgive her for telling him all these lies straight to his face for 2 months. But still his heart was not as determined as his mind was since he was already in love wit her.

Poyraz came back home that day and was exhausted. He was drained both mentally and emotionally he was questioning everything he experienced with Haziran these 2months was it all a game to her?

Poyraz's POV:

I sat on my bed and shut the door because I didn't want my grandmother to see me like this not now not ever. I didn't notice the power and control Haziran had on me until today. Her tears her desperate screams she was trying so hard to prove that she cared for me even though I knew she didn't, The thing that really that she set up to frustrated me is that kiss meant nothing to her she did it as a part of her plan to clear her conscious. That night she kissed me I was surprised but I felt something I didn't feel before lust for someone I needed her touch and presemce after that night I needed her to bring me back to who I was before everything happened.

I sat there thinking how will I be able to forget her, and continue living with this pain in my chest. I needed to stop thinking about her and get all these thoughts and hopes for us aside and make her leave this island for good. I can't believe she still wants to manage this hotel with me but in a way I am not since I know her she is stubborn determined and strong. If you push her she pushes you back but even harder that's what I love about her aside from many things. I need to stop this now.

A collection of screams and Haziran's voice startled me. I ran to see what is happening and to see her because I missed her even though she broke me I still miss her. There was a fight between Haziran's mom and my grandmother while Haziran and Idil were holding each side in place because they were about to get physical. I headed over to my grandmother to calm her down while she was harassing Haziran's mom with spiteful words. Then our eyes met and I got lost in her ocean blue eyes again everything that was going on faded away and Haziran was my only focus. I was quickly returned to reality with Haziran's mom words : "The island is gossiping about you and Poyraz being lovers." And without recovering from that my grandmother added: "That will never happen as long as I am alive". Then Haziran's eyes were locked on mine I didn't know what she wanted from me to do she seemed hurt and disappointed that I didn't shut my grandmother. I wish I could but she didn't leave me a choice she made me shut all the doors for her after what she did. I quickly looked on the ground escaping her and haziran started apologizing for her mom's actions and took her mom away. Idil and grandma were still taking about Haziran and her mom in a bad way calling them thieves, liars, even devils. I couldn't handle it anymore if I stayed here with them I will be destined to break someones heart so I decided to return to the hotel it was still morning I couldn't escape Haziran in my house so there is no use in trying.

I hope you like the POV style cause I will be using it and there will be 5 or 6 more parts for episode 8 this is the first.

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