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Thank you @Sanya99112 for the support this chapter is dedicated to you xoxo. 

Haziran's POV:

I was wondering around in the island looking for someone who would be willing to give us some food for the hotel, but I forgot that this island is very small and doesn't have that much options for shopping compared to Istanbul. As I was walking, I saw Poyraz from a far near another market that also didn't accept selling me any of their products. I approached Poyraz taking my time step by step I am not in hurry for fighting with him again today. He finally noticed me. I didn't know was he ignoring me or did he really not notice that I was walking in his direction. Why do I overthink everything he does and doesn't do this getting out of hand. I need to have some control over myself especially right now when I am with him. I mean near him, in his presence we are not together nor will we ever be.

He looked at me in way I couldn't decipher. He quickly turned away and started chatting with a man I didn't know. I wasn't really interested in knowing anyone in this island.I tried my luck and I was shut down by yet another islander, that was it I have had enough with all this bullshit that is going on. "I thought this island helps people and had morals I am from this island and you are not in any way nice or helpful towards me."I said with my high pitched voice. I had so much more to say but I just ended it with that. I remind you all this discussion took place in front of Poyraz who seemed uninterested and pleased with the agony that I was going through knowing he is responsible for this. I think he adores seeing me suffer, am I an amuse to him now? I turned to make an exit and while passing by Poyraz I gave him "You wouldn't want to mess with me" look.

"In this island if you mess with one of us you mess with us all." He spat with his rude attitude. I scoffed "You have to try harder than this to knock me down."He catches me off guard when he softened his tone almost worried about me and said: "Who said we ever wanted to harm you in this island Haziran." I mean it I don't think Poyraz will go to the extent to assassinate me. He is definitely scary when he is angry and he pulls a full on rage sometimes but he wouldn't do anything to hurt me at least not physically.

I dropped it at that. Then as I was heading to god knows where. I hear him talk in a particularly high volume so I could hear him I guess. "Thankfully we have farms where anyone can get their groceries from right, Berk." I figured the guy he was talking to when I came is Berk and it came to me. I could go to the farms and get what I need from food for my house while Poyraz can get the hotel's. I mean he co-owns the place right? Sometimes I underestimate myself, I really shouldn't because all that I went through shows how strong I really am. How can I still doubt myself. It is a part of being human we all have moments where we doubt ourselves, but they don't last long if you make them last more than they should you become weak, invisible, and you lose your true identity.My mom always shut me own when I needed reassurance; a glimpse of encouragement from her. She always found a way to make me doubt myself even more. I had no one to get me through these moments except him, Poyraz. But now that I lost him I am back to square one it is just me, myself, and I.

I hurried to the farm and started with getting the eggs because I thought it was the easiest obviously I was wrong. I was scared to death they would attack me and bruise me everywhere. See self doubt again. I try to focus and trace my path in the chicken coop before entering it because I am a strategic planner. I start entering the coop with very slow steps because I didn't want any of the 30 chickens to come at me flying over me ready to eat me for dinner, wait can chicken even eat humans I am getting delusional. I should stop overthinking this and make a run for it and snatch as much eggs as I can without getting attacked. Plan A is in the trash right now I am running and grabbing the eggs with two hands setting the basket on my lap I hope I don't break them. That was successful it was so fast they had no time to attack me. Nice work I think in an alternate universe I was working in a farm. For my first time entering the chicken coop I was a pro.

Next comes the milk and the thought of it turns my stomach. I decided to be nice with the cow and ask her for milk in a very civil manner her name was Sari. She just mooed straight to my face and I am not going to lie her breath stinks. I tried to calm her down let her stay still so I could go beneath her and milk her. But she was giving me a really hard time. Finally she understood what I was trying to do at gave me access to milk her. But there was no milk coming out of her. I instantly got my phone and searched for a technique that could help me with this until I found one that worked. I got the milk thanked Sari for her time scheduled a date with her for next time and continued getting what I needed from vegetables fruits, that was the easiest part you know.

Finally I dropped all the fresh produce, that I hand picked from the farm, on the counter.My mom was already gone. I didn't expect to see her anyway it's not her vibe as she says in her own words. I looked up after organizing the groceries, and saw Poyraz was home sitting at the porch. He seemed deeply in thought I know this face he is trying to resolve the climax he is going through between the Poyraz he shows to everyone, which I also refer to as his mask, he puts on to avoid letting anyone in his world . And the real Poyraz that he only shows to me I worked so hard to get this Poyraz out of him and now it is all gone and guess who is to be blamed for this it's me. 

I was dealing with my own climax . Trying to let him understand what was really going on, but I always seemed to fail at it. All the screaming, all the tears I spent explaining to him the truth, my truth, all were for nothing as Idil showed up giving Poyraz a cup of tea and leaned on his shoulder. I turned back to the tree of lies and lied onto it remembering how I ruined my only chance in love. 

Hey there, I hope you are having a wonderful day and thank you all for voting and reading my content. This is part three I hope you all like it. It is how I picture Haziran's struggle with everything that is going on. The next 3 parts are going to be posted today this evening and they will be very interesting and juicy. Prepare you tissues this will be a long one. Love you all xoxo.

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