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"So...who's that guy that walked with you this morning?"

Felix looked at the person next to him. "I'm sorry?" Felix said and the person repeated, "the guy you walked with this morning, who is he?" Felix soaked in the sentence before humming in understanding. "He's my roommate," Felix answered and the person hummed. "I'm Yuina, by the way," She said. Felix smiled at her and introduced himself back.

The lecture didn't last much longer after their conversation and it was soon time for them to either go to their next class or home; Felix getting the chance to go home. He slipped his laptop into his bag along with his notebook. He zipped up his bag and stood up, starting to walk towards the exit.

"Is he going to pick you up?"

Felix jumped, nearly dropping his phone on the ground, as he turned to look at Yuina. "Probably," Felix said as he increased his walking speed, not liking how curious she was about Changbin. "Could you introduce me to him? He's really-"

"Nope, sorry, he's um...he's dating someone already," Felix quickly spoke as he felt a spark of jealousy dance through him when her question sparked. They both stopped as a thick aura surrounded him. "Really?" She said and Felix quickly nodded his head. "Yep," He answered and looked at her. "Gotta...gotta go," He gave a quick wave and ran off towards where a set of bathrooms were to calm himself down.

Changbin was waiting outside of the campus doors, messaging the tattoo artist he was going to later that day while Felix was working. He had noticed Felix hadn't arrived as the male was usually the first out the door to get home and take a nap. He lifted his head in confusion and his eyes darted around in case he had gotten distracted while talking with someone. He looked back at his phone and changed to his conversation with Felix. He messaged the male and waited for a response, and only got a location; bathroom. "Does this dumbass think I know where the fucking bathrooms are," Changbin said with a disappointed sigh. He looked up from his phone again and spotted Minho and Jisung.

Changbin slipped his phone into his back pocket and quickly walked over to the couple, catching their attention instantly. "Hey, Changbin!" Jisung said as he waved excitedly to the male who gave a wave back. "Hey, Felix should've been out by now but he's in the restroom," Changbin explained and the two looked at each other. "That is weird," Minho says and his eyes darted to look behind Changbin. "Oh, hey Yuina," Minho said and Changbin turned around to look at the female, not liking her vibe as she got closer.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Felix exiting the building. He instantly walked over to the male who looked at him with a smile. "Walk now, talk later," Changbin said as he grabbed Felix's hand and diverted their walking path to the entrance of the campus. Felix agreed to the statement and followed next to him with a pleasant smile on his face; glancing over his shoulder to the female who had a crush on Changbin despite only seeing him for a couple of weeks.

They got a few feet away and the tense aura surrounding them disappeared. "That girl likes you," Felix blurted out and Changbin gave a scoff. "She barely knows me and I don't talk to anyone there, how could she like me," Changbin said and Felix glanced at him. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Felix asks with an eye roll. "No," Changbin answered. Felix gave a small smile and gently swung their hands. "I have to go to work as soon as we get home," Felix said as they stopped at the stoplights, Changbin pressing the cross button as more people arrived around them. "I guessed," Changbin said and gently tugged Felix closer.

He removed his hand from Felix's and moved his arm to snake around the male's waist with a firm squeeze. "Yes?" Felix said as they started moving. "Lots of people," Changbin answered and Felix hummed in response.

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