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Hello! This is my firs fanfic and I hope that you will like it. If anyone is uncomfortable with this, tell me and I will take it down immediately. I don't know if Tubbo is comfortable with calling him Toby so please tell me.

[I'm writing this few months later, and few people told me that he is uncomfortable with using his real name, but I searched it up and he isn't :), and since this story was written with me using Toby for about 50 chapters, I am fixing that. So if you ever see that put of nowhere it is Toby, not Tubbo. Just know that this story is still being fixed :) thank you for reading this. :)]

I hope that you will enjoy this book because 'til now I would always read and be scared to write. But now I think I finnaly have confidence to try and write.

If there are any small mistakes in spelling words I'm sorry english is not my first language.

Now somethink you need to know about book:

-pronounce will be she/her because i don't know much about that and I dont want to make anyone uncomfortable so you can change it if you want

-this book will have at least 50 chapters (I will try)

-if autor (me:) wants to say somethink it will be in this font

-when someone is thinking somethink it will be in this font and with one of these ' at the start and end

-main characters will be Y/n and Tubbo who will go by Toby

-there will not be smut because Tubbo is a minor and I'm not comfortable writing it

-updates will be every weekend (saturday and sunday) because of my school

-happy ending :]

-if you know me/are my friend irl DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT READ THIS! except my online friend who is only one supporting me in this :] so thank you! (you know who you are hehe)

-TW swearing!

- I will proof read but there will be some mistakes 100%


I think that this is it what you need to know about it. If you want you can always text me and for now byeee.

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