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Y/n Pov

"What are you talking about?" Toby got to us and started talking.

"Eric has to go back home in three day's. So I'm going with him." I smiled a bit at Toby.

I knew he will not be happy with this. Probbably pissed off a bit too.

"What? NO!" he said and hugged me.

"Sorry. But it is, as it is." I told him "And Ranboo is comming to UK with you! Right?" I asked.

I knew him and Ranboo were talking about him staying over at Toby's for 4 to 6 months. However things go.

"He is. But what will I do without you?" he pulled away from our hug.

"You will have you're friends! And I was thinking about bringing one friend too!" I said and he looked at me exicited.

"Patrick!" I said happily.

While my smile was growing, I saw Toby's fading. Did he not like Patrick?

"Why would you like to bring him anyways?" he asked looking away. Sadness very visible on his face.

"We became good friends! So I tought why not! I mean. I still have to ask him." I said to him.

"Oh, okay." he seemed a bit happier now.

When we got back to houses. Everyone got to main house to eat cake.

"C'mon! We need picture too!" Clay said.

We all stood behind Eric and cake and Clay set timer on 5 seconds.


After some pictures.
Toby and I decided to go back to our mini house, to spend more time together.

By now. It was 3pm so there wasn't much left what we could do.

"What will we do now?" I asked Toby.

"Okay. I have something planned. Go grab you're gloves and meet me at front door." he said quickly, before leaving me alone.

I sighed and got up, went into my room and found my gloves in my bag.

Then I went to front door.

Toby was there, discussing something with Will.

"Hey, Y/n! Let's go!" he pulled me by my arm and holded my hand.

Will was following us behind.

"Where are we going?" I asked Toby and Will.

"You will see." he only smiled and pulled me in backseat of car.

After 15 short minutes of driving, we arrived at..... Ice skating?

Toby pulled me out of car.

"Will, be back in 6pm." Toby told him and closed car door.

3 hours of just ice skating?

"C'mon! Let's go!" he pulled me by my arm and we entered.

"Hello young fellas!" some guy greeted us.

"Hello! Could we please get skates, size (idk how big is tobys foot) and (you're foot size)" Toby asked man there.

"Of course! Here you go!" he handed me skates. "And here is one for you!" he then handed Toby one.

"Thank you. Here you go." Toby paid. "Let's go now!" he then pulled me byy arm again.

"Have fun kids!" man being us said.

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