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Y/n Pov

''Hey! You are finnaly up! Let's go now!'' someone said and I turned around to look at person.

It was Grayson.

''Yeah. Sorry. I fell asleep.'' I said to him.

''Let's go play some games now!'' he announced and we lefted.

🐝Time skip: after playing games🐝

We played so much games. It was really nice to hang out with Toby again. We still aren't close like before but it hasn't been even a day.

It still feels like century because longest time we were in 'finght' was 10 minutes.

It was one time that he didn't let me pay for my ice-cream so I got mad.

''Hey guys. I think we should go sleep now.'' Clay said and pointed to Eric who was already sleeping.

We all just gigged and got up.

Everyone lefted except us girls. (or as whatever you identify as!!)

''Guys.'' Drista started ''I think I like Jay.'' she said.

''We know.'' Niki said and we all laughed.

''I mean... He is really sweet and nice to me. As a matter of fact. We even live block away!'' she continued.

''And I think he likes you back. I mean. Did you girls saw the way he was looking at her?!'' I told them and they agreeded.

''Oh c'mon now.'' Drista said just like her brother ''Hey did you also know-'' she got interrupted by her phone going off with notification.

''It's him!'' she said happily ''OMG HE IS ASKING ME OUT!'' she yelled at us.

''What?! When?! Where?!'' Hannah immidietley asked.

''Tomorrow! At 8pm he is going to pick me up!''

''Well text him back dumbass!'' Minx yelled.

''Here! I did!''

After that we celebrated a bit more before going to our houses.

I slowly oppened door to see Ranboo sitting on couch watching TV.

''Hey Boo.'' I said.

''Hey Y/n!'' he said back.

''Watcha watching?'' I asked plopping down and laying next to him.

''Some random TV show.''

''Oh. Okay.'' I replied and went to bathroom to shower.

When I exited bathroom Ranboo wasn't watching TV anymore so I guessed that he went to sleep.

With that I went to sleep too.

I still hadn't dressed so I quickly grabbed random shorts form my suitcase and random hoddie.

I layed down in my bed.

I couldn't fall asleep. My mind was constantly replying that almost-kiss scene from my dream earlier.

Eventually I fell asleep.

When I woke up sheets were colder than usual.

'Right' I tought to myself 'Toby isn't here'

I turned around and saw Grayson still sleeping. It was weird because he usually wokes up first.

I looked over at my phone. It was 6am. 'Nice.' I tought sarcasticly.

Never waking up that early only for school. I decied to go for a walk.

I got up. It was really cold, so I decied to keep hoddie on and just put some black leggings on.

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