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Y/n Pov

After about half and hour, we heard women's voice speak trought speakers.

"Hello my dear passagers!" her smile was practically able to hear. "We will be landing in less than a ten minutes. So we will have to ask you to put on you're seat belts for you're own security. Thank you very much." she then turned mic off.

As Freddie and I were still hugging, I pulled away and put on my seat belt, just as Freddie did his.

We then just sat on our phones a bit when we landed.

It was much more less scarier then when I was with Patrick and Eric, because then, I had to look after both of them.

While now, someone was looking after me.

When plane finnaly landed, we got up from our seats and went out.

Beautie was supposed to come pick me up with her mum, while Freddie will be picked up by his uncle that lives nerby.

We walked around the airport when Freddie said.

"There is my uncle!! Y/n, I have to go now. Text me when you find Beautie and be safe." he said and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, bye!" I yelled after him and he waved back.

I waited for about ten more minutes when I felt someone hugging me from behind.

I quickly froze and started to search from my phone in my pocket.

Then that someone spoke up.

"Y/n!" it was a girl.

I turned around.

"Beautie!!" I yelled and hugged her back.

"Oh my Godness you are even prettier than on pictures!" she said to me.

"Oh, thank you. You are very beautiful too Beautie!" I smiled.

"Don't call me that, call me Beau." she said with a big smile on her face.

"Oh, okay!"

"Now, we gotta go, my dad is wanting for us!" she said, glanced our fingers together pulling me with her and taking one of my bags on her shoulder.

We walked trought many halls, before we got to black car where was standing a man.

"Hey, dad! This is Y/n, Y/n this is my dad." she introduced us.

"It is nice to meet you sir." I said and we shook hands.

"Please, don't call me sir. It makes me feel old. Call me Dave." a man said taking off his hat. (random bc we don't know what is her dad's name)

"Okay." I said laughing.

"Now let's go! Sandra is waiting for us!" he said and we got into back seat of car.

I assumed that Sandra was her mother's name.

We have drove for few streets, took few turns, but finnaly got to a light pink painted house.

It was really nice looking from outside. It had a path made out of bricks that leaded to house enterece.

Next to path, there were flowers, all of them were pink, red or orange.

When we walked trought gate, there was a small dog that ran into my arms.

"Oh my God! And who are you?" I asked in cute voice playing with puppy.

"His name is Jordan." Beau said.

"He is really sweet." I told her.

"Yup, he really is, we got him three days ago. He was in shelter, and they didn't have any more space for all the dogs, so they wanted to put him on sleep. If you know what I mean." she saddened a bit.

"Yeah, they wanted to kill him." I said.

"Yes. And that day I finnaly got my parents to go get me a dog. And when I heard what was going to happen to that sweet pie, I knew I had to take him." she stayed quiet a bit "So here we are now. He is all happy and I don't regret picking him!" she said.

I looked at the dog then at her.

She really seemed to be happy.

And all she needed in life was a dog.

Maybe that could help me too.

I laughed thinking of idea of getting a dog.

My parents would never agree to that one for sure.

"Let's go unpack you now. Then tomorrow I can show you my other pets!" she said.

"You have more?" I asked surprised.

"Yup!" she jumped up and showed me a way to her room.

We got into house, and first thing I saw was another women.

"Hello honey! You must be Y/n?" warm voice said.

"Yeah, I am. You must be Beau's mother." I smiled.

"I am, but you can call me Sandra." she said. "Oh, I almost forgot! I made you two cookies!" he handed us plate of cookies and two glasses of milk.

"Now go unpack and sleep, tomorrow we can go do something fun. Goodnight girls!" her mum yelled at us as we wee climbing stairs to her room.

When we finnaly got up there, her room was really big.

"Wow, you have a nice room!" I said to her.

"Thanks! Now let's unpack you!" she said and started to pull my things out of my bag.

"I binged only a few stuff. I won't be staying long so..." I said sadly.

"Yeah. Do you wanna watch some movies? I got projector and big ass wall!" she told me.

"Yeah, sure! Let me just change into my pyjamas." I said.

"Bathroom is there!" she pointed at green door down the hall.

I went there and changed.

When I got out I heard her screaming so I quickly runned to her room.

"Beau?! Is everything okay?" I asked quickly sitting down in pile of soft pillows and blankets.

"You like Tubbo?!" she yelled.

"Sushh!!!!" I covere her mouth with my hand. "Wait, how do you know?" I asked panicked.

"Don't worry, he doesn't know and I won't tell him. Also, I just saw that he texted you! And his name is Tubbo, heart, heart. So I think that you liking him was pretty obvious." she explained to me.

"Oh God." I covered my eyes.

"Wait, is that why you acted so weird around him last stream?" she asked me.

"Yeah, probably. Do you think he noticed?" I asked her bitting my nails.

"Nah, boys never see signs." she said and we both laughed.

We talked about boys few more minutes when she turned on some new movie that just came out.

We cuddled each other, and fell asleep on the floor, blankets and fluffy pillows all around us.

__________________________________________1073 words

Supriese!! Teacher I hate got covid! I'm happy so I posted!!

Go drink and eat something please. I had friend that ended up in hospital for not eating and losing too much weight. So please, eat at least two meals a day and drink some water.

I luv you all and have good day/night/morning!!!

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