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Y/n Pov

6 days later

It was now Saturday evening.

I have streamed every single day at 3am and didn't sleep at all.

My days were like; I wake up at 8am, I went to café with Patrick and we ate some breakfast. Sometimes we even bring Eric with us. Then we come home, we play Minecraft or just mess around.

Then we went to beach, we hang out there a bit, and when we come home, we ate lunch.

Then we spend some time with Ela and Lani.

After that, every day, we go to little walk around my neighbourhood.

We come home at around 9pm and just as we enter our rooms, we get ready for beds.

Now, usually around 11pm, Patrick knocks on my door and wishes me goodnight.

He then wents straight to bed and falls asleep.

I fall asleep too, but every night, I wake up at 3 or 4am and I stream.

Not because I want to, just because I'm really bored.

I stream with Aimsey and Billzo, yesterday even Freddie joined us!

Now some important stuff.

Toby and I hadn't spoken since I called him when I got home from Florida.

It's not like we don't want to talk, just like we don't have much time.

He spends his day, bonding with his friends, while I spend mine bonding with mine.

And time zones are just too much.

'Now I can really see how hard it is for George and Clay.' I tought as I putted my phone down.

*knock, knock*

"Come in!" I said already knowing who that is.

"Hey," I saw Patrick's face peeking trought door "I just came to say goodnight." he smiled lightly at me.

"Goodnight." I smiled back.

Before he fully closed my door he turned around to speak to me again.

"Hey... Umm... I spoke to Toby..." he started "We are friends now..." smiled grew on both of our faces.

"I am really happy about that." I said calmly snuggleing into my blanket.

He turned around to leave, but once again stopped and looked at me.

"That is not what I really wanted to say..." his face grew more seriously which scared me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worried.

"Well... Umm... Can I sit?" he asked all of a sudden.

"Yeah, of course." I sat up straighter too.

"So..." he started but stopped and I nodded my head for him to keep talking. "Toby asked me how you are doing... And I awnsered that you are really great. So he was like...." he started to explain me they're whole talk while I just listened carefully.

Patrick Pov (hour earlier)

I was sitting on my bed, just scrolling trought my For You Page on TikTok.

That is when I got a call from unknown number.

I readed number few times.

It seemed like I saw it before.

I awnsered, and voice trought other line was one I knew very well now.

"Hey Patrick. It's Toby." I heard boy say his name.

"Hey Toby... What is up?" I asked.

Why would he call me?

"I everything okay?" I putted another question in front of him.

"Well, I don't really know. Phil said that our flight for after next week is being cancelled for two more weeks." Toby said and I heard that he was almost crying. "He is doing everything he can to get us home in next week like we were supposed to come." and that is when I heard his sniffle.

"Oh no, that is bad. But why are you telling me this? Why didn't you called Y/n?" I asked him.

"Honestly Patrick. I'm scared." he admitted.

"You are scared of what?" I asked.

"Of talking to Y/n." he sobbed.

"What. Why?" man, this boy was really unstable.

"I don't know. We hadn't spoke for six days Patrick. Six!!" he almost yelled at me. "And it is all my fault. So what is she hates me now. What is she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. What if she hates me that much that she wants to move away?! Patrick I will lose my friend..." Toby finished and started crying.

"No, no you won't. Just... Please don't cry about it. I will fix it. Okay?" I asked him and he responded with small yes.

"Okay. Now go to bed. It is like what. 4am there?" I asked him looking over at my clock.

"Yeah, it is 4:23am. I will go to sleep. Oh. One more question. How- do you- is Y/n sleeping alright?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I didn't understood question.

"Well... Usually, but last month mostly, Y/n would always come to my house at around 3am. And she would sleep next to me. Before, it was more like when she had nightmares. But now, she just comes whenever she wants. So my question is, does she come to you, or she just doesn't sleep at all?" he explained his question.

"Well... I don't really know... I go every night at 11pm to say goodnight to her. And then I think she falls asleep. I could ask you if you want me to?" I offered Toby.

"Yes, please. I hadn't spoke with her for so long and I feel really guilt. So just ask her how she is doing and text me please. I am going to sleep." Toby said.

"No problem man." I smiled even though he can't see me.

"Oh, one more think Patrick." he said before him or I hung up.


"Thank you for helping me, even after I was such a dick to you." he apologised.

"No problem. I'm always here for friends. Goodnight now." I said.

"Goodnight." he said back and hung up.

Okay, now I need to tell this to Y/n.

Y/n Pov (back at normal time)

"And then he hung up." Patrick said to me.

I stayed silent.

"Oh." was all I could say after what he just said to me.

So, Toby was scared to talk to me.

Because he didn't want to.... because of what? Because he didn't want to be first one to call??!!

"Thank you Patrick. I really appreciate that. I will call him as soon as he wakes up." I lied. I wasn't gonna to call him.

"Okay. Goodnight Y/n." he said and went out of my room.

And I was again, left all alone.

I looked over at little calendar I had in my room.

8 more days and then Toby will be back.

'It will be okay. I will be okay.' I tought and smiled a bit at myself.

It will not be okay.

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Ummm.... Yay! Update!

Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I was planing on fixing them all in few days. Like in every chapter. :]

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