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Y/n Pov

After few minutes of just walking. It was getting dark. And I deffinetley got lost.

I was looking all around myself trying to find something I have already seen so I can find my way back home, but nothing.

At this point. I gave up. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and called Patrick.

It ringed few times before he picked up.

"Hey, Y/n. Where are you? You left in hurry. Is everything okay?" he asked immediately.

"Hey Patrick. Everything is fine. I just kinda got lost here. Could you... Could you please go get me? I really don't know where I am." I laughed a bit.

He sighed before saying "Okay, I'll be there in minute or two. Just send me you're location." he said.

"Here." I sended him my location.

"Oh my God! Y/N! You are at littelearly on other side of city!" he said half yelling.

"I'm not surprised. When I'm sad or just need to clear my head I can walk miles." I smiled knowing that one time I walked all over Brighton, and in 6 hours made over 80 000 steps just because I didn't saw Toby in three days and I tought I will go crazy.

I also remember that my mum and dad weren't really mad about that or anything, but when I came back, Toby was over at my house crying in my bed hugging my pillow because he missed me too.

That was kind of our thing. I would always go for a walk over Brighton (not really sure where Tubbo lives), and Toby would lay in my bed, hugging my pillows while crying for me to come back.
Even when I was there just next to him. Well. Sometimes.
In that moments, he would be hugging me tightly, not a pillow.

He could be really cute sometimes.

"So, will you come pick me up?" I asked crossing my fingers in hope.

He sighed before awnsering "Do not move. I'll be there in minute." he said and hung up.

I smiled knowing how amazing friends I have.

After few minutes, just how Patrick said. He got there.

"Heyy! Jump in!" he opened car door and I got in.

"Sorry for making you go get me." I said sadly playing with my fingers.

"Hey! It's okay! Everything for a friend." he patted my tight.

I felt really happy at that moment.

I knew our friendship will last longer then I tought it will.

When we got back at houses I saw that Toby was still streaming, so me being me. I didn't want to go back. And Patrick talked to Clay, and he also said I don't have to go back.

I smiled and sat next to Drista.

"So, how are you?" she asked me.

I really didn't get to talk to her last few days.

"As always." I said.

"Wanna go cook some cookies with me? For you're birthday?" she asked me with a smile. Clay probably told her what happened.

I smiled "Sure." I said and we went to ask Clay if we can go to girls mini house to cook since no one is there.

"Okay, but listen. Lock the door so no one can rush in. Because of Emily mostly." he said with serious voice.

"We will." Drista said and pulled me.

She knew how to not get into fight with her brother the best, so I followed her.

"Okay..." Drista started when we got there "We need some flower since we don't have that here." she said.

"I will go get it to main house. You stay here." I warned her and runned out.

I got to main house and looked around for flower.

When I finnaly found it I runned back to Drista.

But on my way there I saw Emily.

I tried to hide, but it was to late.

"Y/N!" she yelled my name.

"Hi! Emily." I turned around on my toes. "What are you doing here?" I asked playing with my fingers again.

I do that a lot, or I just mess up with ends of my shirt.

"I was looking if there is any bathroom. Tommy was in one over there and I really have to pee." she said.

"You have one over there." I showed her Willbur's mini house.

"Thank you." she said.

But before she runned to they're house she gave me piece of paper and sprinted away.

I was a bit confused for what that paper is, but I decided to open it later.

I put paper in my pocket and got back to Drista.

"I got everything!" I said happily.

"Great! I put everything here. And also. A little surprise. Well not a good one but.... Just see what message Clay sended into groupchat." she pulled my phone out and unlocked it.

She was only one who knew my password because I changed it.

She handed me my phone and I readed message Clay sended.


Hey, so. Everyone know how Emily is here. Well.
She mentioned on Tubbos live something about Florida.
And chat suspected that they are in Florida. Here.
But Tubbo was smart and said no. But Emily fucked up and said: but you are literally here in Florida.
So my plan for announcement is now ruined.
You can all post announcements that you are at meet up.
I already posted George and me with mask.
So just go and post shit.
But check twice before posting so you don't accidentally leak someone's face.

Message said.

I was now really mad, and it was actually all kind of my fault. If I just stayed there with girls, I wouldn't run into her.

"Did she really messed up all our plans?" I asked Drista.

"Yes. But! I have something exciting! Caly let me borrow his set-up so we can stream our cooking!" she yelled.

"Really?!" I got really excited.

"Yeah!" she yelled again.

"But what about you're face? You can't just.... I don't know.... Show it...." I said, my smile dropping a little.

"No worryes. I already met Crumb." she smiled and picked up box made just like Crumbs but it was more in Drista stile.

"So," she looked at me "wanna stream?"


Yesterday I did something I never thought I would.

I talked with my ex crush!!! Well, we texted for 3 hours, but still!!!

If I could just tell that to younger me!! I know she will be proud!!

Also, I'm getting more inspiration for this book. So yeah. Next few chapters will be interesting.

Sorry for any misspellings. And have a great day/night!! Drink some water and byeee!!

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